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7 Email Networking Mantras – by Uplers

Marketers around the globe are gung ho about business networking! Being in to marketing there are no chances that you have not craved long to attend a networking event.

Networking events have a huge potential in terms of providing buyers and sellers a common platform to interact, share and exchange thoughts.

Email Networking is networking through Email marketing in simple terms. Email marketing has a huge potential and as most marketers decide to continue budgeting a larger pie for email marketing, it is certainly not dead and infact can be used as an active networking tool.

So, how do we incorporate networking approach within email marketing and how do both the activities draw analogy?

  1. It’s about the first impression: Networking and Email Marketing both carries a whale of weight on the first impression. If you do not impress your customers, potential or co-networkers in the first time, it turns out to be a lost opportunity. Design an email that impresses audience in the first time. Make sure all the images are vivacious and render nicely across the platforms.
  2. Email Marketing ≠ Sales Call:           It’s not all about lead generation. Networking events are to increase the credibility and furthermore create relationship with potential prospects or existing clients. Likewise, email marketing should not talk about sales when you intent to network with your audience. Build the credibility over time and then proceed to sales!
  3. No plastic surgeries: Email Marketing Best Practices from email Uplers already taught good lessons on the design best practices. Avoid using DONOTREPLY email addresses in the from name. Personalize it. Like in the networking event, you do not send a fake person with a plastic surgery to represent you same way do not indulge in to surgeries with your email body.
  4. Be zingy: That’s what you do at a networking meet, remain lively and full of zest. Replicate the same exercise in an email marketing campaign. Talk to the audience and not at the audience, give a personal touch, and make it interactive and livelier so to be able to create more impact out of a mere emailer.
  5. Give me more! Yes! Seek out! Seeking out for knowledge, information and guidance is the base of any networking meet. Likewise, seek out for the feedbacks over the emails. Invite Consumer reviews, polls and more to make them feel important and instigate a feeling of oneness.
  6. Share more! Don’t just ask for things in life but also practice sharing! Share the latest news from your brand, articles, tips and best practices to attract people rather than just requesting to buy products or services everytime. That’s what we do when others ask about our company at a networking event!
  7. Greet the old ones! Do we forget familiar faces on the event floor? Why forget the loyal email audience? Check the loyal customers and identify them with separate offering or just send a thank you note. Spend time with them and see are they crying for some more? Grab it all.  

Like the networker that walks into the meeting room with a bright face, nice dress, customer centric and helpful approach an email should arrive in the inbox with best design, immaculate call to action and best of information. Uplers would love to hear from you the difference it made in your lives when you stopped to act like a sales frenzy individual and started to put email networking in practice.

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