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Top Benefits of Using Interactive Content in Emails

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We can all agree that interactive content is slowly but surely changing the way brands engage with their customers. Gone are the days of cold calling or even conventional email marketing. With the changing and uncertain times, experts reveal that interactive content is the way forward.

But, fret not! Your brand’s transition to interactive content does not have to be at the expense of older strategies. That is what we’re here to discuss today! Yes, you can incorporate interactive content into your existing email campaign marketing strategies. And this is going to greatly boost your current email lead generation and open rates.

Source: Tenor 

We know you’re eager to find out how! But let’s address some basics first. 

What Is Interactive Content?

Interactive content is any content that you may share with your customers that will encourage them to actively engage with it. It is different from the content that we passively consume, for example, a blog. 

There are various types of interactive content, and you may have come across quite a few online yourself. Some examples of interactive content include quizzes, calculators as well as surveys, and polls.

Interactive Content in Email: Advantages

Including interactive content in your email marketing strategies provides various benefits.

Still not satisfied? Well, we’ve got some numbers for you too.

Interactive Content by the Numbers

Additionally, 77% of marketers agree utilizing interactive content is the secret to multiple visits and exposures. 

Want more proof? Check out this infographic that our friends at Outgrow designed around the trends and best practices of interactive content.


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All of the reasons above are why you should incorporate interactive content in your email campaign marketing strategies. And if you’d like some examples before you take it up yourself, we’ve got your back. 

Real-Life Examples of Interactive Emails

1.Bobbi Brown 

Source: MailerLite

Makeup and cosmetics brand Bobbi Brown has incorporated interactive content successfully in many of their emails. The image above showcases their email providing their users with a chance to explore their extensive range of products through clickable buttons. An interactive email like Bobbi Brown’s shows an innovative way of nurturing existing customers as well as gaining new ones.

In other words, they can easily promote their new line of products as the clickable buttons allow users to learn more about each product. Additionally, they offer the users a clear CTA button which serves as a vital tool to increase their customer engagement and conversion rates.

Interactive content emails like these allow companies to increase their customer engagement and conversion rates. This is simply because they now have a chance to interact with their favorite brands and learn more about what they have to offer. 

2. Pret a Manger

Source: Pret A Manger

British sandwich shop Pret a Manger shows us another delectable and distinct take on interactive emails. They embedded a GIF in an email for their customers. It shows a drink cup with different options for users to fill the cup as per their choice. 

The GIF was a fascinating way to promote their products, as it allows users to develop their own personalized drink combinations through engaging with the email. Moreover, this approach to interactive content surely enticed the customers to give in and buy a drink for themselves thus driving sales and purchases for the brand! 

Sharing emails that allow users to personalize their purchase, (in this case their drinks) in interactive content format is another excellent way of increasing your customer’s curiosity and interest in your brand. 


Expedia displays a short and simple yet effective example of using interactive content to gain valuable insights. 

Source: Medium 

Expedia shared a clean and effective survey embedded in an email for its users to provide their feedback. The survey is minimalistic, ensuring there are no visual distractions for the customers. With just a few taps, you can make sure your customers feel heard. The survey shows them their preferences would be taken into consideration and implemented in the future. 

Surveys are certainly extremely useful for your brand too! Adding surveys and polls can also provide you with relevant information about how to improve your products and services, as well as increase your click-to-open rates. And making your customers feel appreciated, can increase customer interaction and loyalty rates for your brand also. 


Source: MailerLite

Cengage displays a great instance of using interactive content to promote your brand and make it stand out from other alternatives. 

They provided their users with a calculator embedded in an email for them to gauge their savings by using Cengage’s products. The calculator is an extremely useful implementation of interactive content for both the company and its customers. 

Interactive emails like these allow companies to increase their customer loyalty and satisfaction rates. This is simply because they feel their queries are being heard and that they are offered more cost-effective and efficient solutions. 

These are just a few ways you can combine interactive content into your emails to help you get on the right track. 

Let’s hear what marketers say about incorporating interactive content into your email newsletters

What Marketers Are Saying About Interactive Content

Well, you’re in luck. We’ve got some excellent case studies for you too! Read on to see how interactive emails have helped real companies across the board. 

Case Studies

1.Get Paid For Your Pad

Get Paid For Your Pad helps property owners become AirBnB hosts. They provided their customers with an assessment to inform them about their listing’s rankings. 

This quiz helped the brand achieve a 40% conversion rate as well as a gain of more than 800 conversions. Not only that, but the assessment also enabled the company to ensure their retargeting emails were much more relevant for their customers. 

2.Children’s Ministry Deals

Children’s Ministry Deals is a curriculum producer based in the United States. They provided their users with a short and entertaining quiz to determine their celebrity volunteer. 

The quiz was certainly a success. It provided the brand with more than 1000 email leads in less than a week. It also generated approximately 3000 visits and a conversion rate of 50%. 

We hope this blog helped you learn some essentials of combining interactive content and email marketing. Now, you can implement this technique for your emails too! 

Source: ReactionGifs


There you have it. Incorporating interactive email newsletters into your marketing tactics is working wonders at present and is the way forward. This strategy has been implemented by brands across the world in various industries. So, it’s time you start creating your own interactive emails and score those stats for your brand.

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