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Expert Guide: Creating Dynamic Emails in Klaviyo

Dynamic Emails in Klaviyo

In email marketing, dynamic email is part of email personalization. A dynamic email allows marketers to display dynamically changing parts of an email to different segments of the audience. Only a specific segment will see the personalized message in an email. The rest will see the same email content, images, and CTAs but no personalized message. 

In this guide, we will show you how to create a Klaviyo dynamic email in the context of the following models: 

To begin with, let’s explore how to implement “first-name” personalization in Klaviyo.  

Inserting First Name Property into Emails

Follow these steps to add a variable that will dynamically populate a recipient’s first name. (Note that the process is the same for messages and push notifications.)

On clicking Insert, you should see this tag: {{ first_name|default:’there’ }}.
On sending the email, the tag will be replaced with the concerned recipient’s first name. 

Note that Klaviyo also offers you the option to customize the first name variable. Next, we will see how to implement Klaviyo dynamic content. 

Building Dynamic Blocks in A Flow Email 

In this section, we will learn how to create a dynamic block for a cart abandonment reminder email. First, create your flow by following these steps:

Having created a flow from scratch, in the following steps, we show how you add a dynamic table to the email block you added to your flow:

Next, we will identify the row collection and select a row alias. First, you need to find the name of your array. (In Klaviyo, a list is a data type that contains an array of values):

For this example, the two arrays are Items and line_items, as shown below. The Items array lists the name of each item, whereas the line_items includes additional details about a particular item, such as name, image URL, price, vendor, stock-keeping unit, etc. 

Now, you choose a row alias. The point of using a row alias is to identify variables that need to be pulled from your arrays. In the present example, the dynamic table block lists the items in the customer’s abandoned cart. Accordingly, you can use the “item” alias. 

You want to choose an alias that is simple, descriptive, and easy to remember. That done, we will now add dynamic product details. Follow these steps to add the product title:

Similarly, you can add product URL variables, currency variables, and so on. 

Adding A Dynamic Image in An Email

With the help of dynamic images, you can customize emails for each recipient on the basis of their profile data stored within Klaviyo or their event data. For leveraging Klaviyo integrations First, you need to store dynamic image information in Klaviyo, after which you can add it through the following steps:

Displaying or Hiding Template Blocks

In this section, we will learn how to show template blocks only to a certain number of email recipients. There are two ways of implementing this: through profile data and through event data. First, let’s see how to implement it with the help of a recipient’s profile data. 

We will apply conditional logic to show or hide template blocks:

Now, we will implement the same conditional logic with the help of event data. Follow these steps:

Wrapping Up!

Personalization is one of the defining aspects of email marketing. Klaviyo’s dynamic email features help you send the right message to the right people at scale. 

Navigating Klaviyo is not particularly difficult. The platform is easy to use and intuitive. Designed exclusively for e-commerce retailers, Klaviyo is ideal for building personalized email campaigns for your audience base. 

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