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How Do You Write An Employee Feedback Email? 8 Sample Templates

employee feedback emails

It can be a dreadful thing to provide feedback to your team members. Common questions managers and team leaders ask themselves are: 

And so on. These fears may not be unreasonable. You’re dealing with human beings. It’s important to exercise caution before and while communicating. Being a manager is hard. You may need to stomp on a few eggshells from time to time. 

But the good news is that, whatever you may believe, employees long for feedback. One survey found that 72 percent of employees thought that managers providing critical feedback was important for their career development, among other things. But only 5 percent believe that managers do provide such feedback. 

As a manager, you’re aware of why feedback is crucial. Your fears stem from knowledge, not ignorance. So we’re not going to reel off the benefits of feedback. 

Rather, we’re sharing eight psychologically-vetted sample employee feedback email templates for different scenarios. 

  1. Positive feedback
  2. Constructive feedback
  3. Coaching feedback
  4. Performance reviews
  5. Onboarding feedback
  6. Continuous feedback
  7. Project-specific feedback
  8. Negative feedback

1. Positive Feedback

Appreciating someone should not be difficult. That’s what people are always craving for, deservedly or otherwise. But keep a few things in mind:

2. Constructive Feedback

Having made sure your feedback is going to be constructive, timely, consensual, and non-trivial, keep the following in mind:

Focus on the future: Offer ideas for improvement. Don’t dwell on the past.

While giving constructive feedback, you want to apply the “sandwich” method: Good-Feedback-Good. You start off appreciating the employee’s hard work; you give your feedback; and you close on another quick note of appreciation.

3. Coaching Feedback

You’ve decided to provide guidance to an employee and improve their skills in a specific area. Make sure to frame your email based on the following:

Offer ongoing support: Assure the employee of your full support.

4. Performance Reviews

Drafting a performance review email can be tricky if the concerned employee hasn’t performed as expected. You want to:

5. Onboarding Feedback

Making a new employee feel genuinely welcome is the hallmark of a successful onboarding email sequence. With that in mind:

Read more: Top 8 B2B Email Subject Lines That Get Opens

6. Continuous Feedback

A regular employee feedback email needs to be concise and actionable. Bear the following points in mind:

7. Project-specific Feedback

The criteria remain, more or less, the same. Your feedback should be specific, constructive, actionable, non-personal, and forward-looking. But as a manager, you may need to pay particular attention to the following two roadblocks in this case:

8. Negative Feedback

Giving negative feedback is difficult if you have an affable personality. But if you don’t, you’ll find it easy – and that’s a problem too. No matter which category you fall under, get out your sticky notes for the following:

Beyond The “Template” Mindset

It is critical to understand the difference between templates and archetypes. What we shared are not archetypal standards. These templates are only meant to act as a springboard for all your feedback-related communications. We’re not dictating standards for you or your organization. 

But certain things remain constant. These include empathy, honesty, generosity, and responsibility. Our employee feedback email samples reflected all these, and so should your communications going forward. 

Need help designing appealing, responsive, dollar-driving email templates? Share your design files with us, and sit back and chill for the next eight hours.

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