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Adding An Animated GIF To Your Email Signature- All You Need To Know

Animated GIFs have been the darling of the internet community for as long as one can remember. Email marketers, too, are no strangers to their many gifts. From elevating the visual appeal of emails to making the content easier to consume, animated GIFs empower brands to unleash their creative expression to the fullest. Today, we are going to discuss a host of ways that highlight how they can be used to enhance that one element in your email template which seals your credibility (among other things)- the email signature. But, before we do that, let’s address a few fundamental topics first.

Why Do Email Signatures Matter?

Let’s analyze Kevin’s email signature, for instance.

The company logo, Kevin’s designation and email address, links to the company’s website and social media handles, and a mission statement- ticks all the right boxes, doesn’t it?

How Can You Create An Animated GIF?

Before we dive into the various ways in which animated GIFs can be used in email signatures, let us first understand how you can make one. 

Using Adobe Animate

Crafting animated GIFs using Adobe Animate is a pretty straightforward process. In the steps below, we illustrate how you can go about it.

1. To begin, create a new file and specify the dimensions you want your GIF to be. To make sure that the visual clarity of your GIF remains uncompromised across all kinds of devices and platforms, it’s best to make the animation at twice the size for retina display.

2. Now, you have two paths. Either you can create the graphics that are going to constitute your animation on Animate itself, or you can design the frames elsewhere (say, Photoshop or Illustrator) and then import them over here. 

3. To do the latter:

4. Next, let’s take a look at some of the resources available to you on Animate using which you can make your GIF.

5. Once everything is wrapped up, the last step involves exporting the GIF. For this, you have to:

Using InVideo

Invideo allows you to convert video files to animated GIFs. Read the following steps to find out how.

1. Upload your video file.

2. Select the portion of the file you want to convert by specifying the start and end markers.

3. Once the markers are defined, the conversion process begins. Download the GIF once done.

Using Giphy

1. Upload the graphics you want to stitch together into an animation.

2. Specify the duration for each individual frame.

3. Your animated GIF will be ready.

Though Giphy is free and quite handy, it is not used quite as widely on account of its poor file compression.

5 Smart Ways To Add Animated GIFs To Email Signatures

Here are a few creative ways to electrify your email signatures using animated GIFs.

  1. Animate Your Logo

What’s a better way of calling attention to your brand than by having your very logo itself in the form of an animated GIF? A very common maneuver used by many brands, animating your logo helps you draw eyeballs to your email signature, thereby effectively building brand familiarity.

Take a look.

  1. Combine It With The Typography

This can be executed in two ways- either by animating the name of the sender or their designation. Whatever it might be, this helps readers understand who they have received the email from sans any ambiguity. This practice is best put into action when you are sending emails from different departments to your subscribers. That way, they can easily maintain a separate mental tab for each. So, for instance, every time they see the letters of “Kevin George” dancing to the tune of a marquee animation in their email signatures, they’ll instantly understand that the said email has been delivered by Email Uplers’ marketing department.

Here’s how it will appear.

  1. Breathe Life Into The Sender

Putting a face to the name of the sender in the email signature is a great way of establishing a personal connect, isn’t it? You know what’s better? Adding a small GIF of the same sender, waving their hand, bowing down cutely in gratitude, or extending a high five or a fist bump- you get the drift, don’t you? Do this once, and we are sure you’ll have subscribers looking forward to all your emails.

  1. Go The Extra Mile During The Holiday Season

While you step up your email content and design game to win over your subscribers during the holiday season, why should your signatures be left wanting? Jazz them up using animated GIFs. Maybe add an animated Christmas hat to your logo, flash the sender’s name in shades of Halloween or have an Easter bunny hop across its length- sky’s the limit, really.

  1. Include A Promotional Offer Banner

Including an animated promotional banner of your latest offers in your email signature is an excellent way of inviting audience’s attention to it. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be elaborate also. A simple two-frame animation in which one slide announces the offer and the other, a few complementary details such as the dates, category of products, and so on, will do the job. You can very well include a static banner as well, but you and I can both agree that an animated one is, any day, much more effective. 

Wrapping It Up 

An email signature that hits all the right notes plays a crucial role in creating brand recognition. By using animated GIFs, you can give a leg up to your signatures, fostering a memorable brand identity in the process. 

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