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Landing Page Copy Best Practices To Ramp Up Your Conversions

Landing Page Best Practices to Maximize Conversions

Be it driving traffic, generating leads, or improving SEO- landing pages are indispensable for all businesses out there. But have you ever wondered what separates high-converting landing pages from the rest? Why do certain pages spur you to action more effortlessly than others? Copy; it all lies in the copy. Writing effective landing page copy is a complex skill to master, but once you get the hang of it, converting visitors to leads becomes a breeze. In this blog, we are going to walk you through a host of different techniques that will let you exercise a firm grip over this craft. Sounds exciting? Well, dive in already!

Structure Your Content Neatly

Imagine opening a brand’s landing page only to be greeted by a seemingly ceaseless monolith of text. How quickly will you bounce from there? Therefore, deftly arranging your copy is extremely crucial for it makes your landing page more readable and easy to navigate. So, what can you do to improve the structure of your landing page copy?

Litmus’  landing page copy is an ideal illustration of what we discussed in the points above. 

Make The Copy Customer Focused

Whether you are writing landing page copy, social media copy or email copy, this piece of copywriting advice holds true for all occasions. Don’t just go off rambling about how virtuous your product is. It will instantly put off your customers. Instead, talk about how your offerings are relevant to your customers’ pain points. Imagine you are trying to sell a car. Sharing with them the ratio in which rubber, carbon black, and sulfur are mixed in your model’s tire isn’t really going to make much sense to them, is it? However, if you were to tell them how this very mixture renders the tires with a prolonged lifetime, that will surely get their ears all perked up, no? 

This is precisely the approach you should aim for while drafting your landing page copy. Remember, customers are not oblivious to the deluge of options that the market has in store for them. To be able to outshine your competitors, you must successfully demonstrate to your target audience how your solution aligns directly with their needs and requirements. 

Let us break down Peloton’s landing page copy, so you get a clear idea of what we are talking about here.

Notice how the landing page copy over here is intended to illustrate the benefits of the app rather than emphasizing Peloton in and of itself. Every single segment that you come across discusses with absolute clarity how the Peloton app is designed to ease the lives of its users. Without taking a boastful tone, this copy skillfully addresses the concerns that one might have when they are considering investing in such a tool via its detailed FAQ section. Such a copy not only holds the attention of visitors but also encourages them to take action. 

Leverage Success Stories And Customer Testimonials

Nothing can convince a prospective customer more about the reliability of your offerings than a glowing review from another fellow customer. An extremely potent marketing tactic, leveraging social proof can do a world of good to your conversion rates. With your landing page copy, you can go only as far as narrating the experience your products and services are capable of offering. But it is the customer testimonials and success stories that serve as a solid validation of these claims. Now you understand why they are so compelling, don’t you? Some brands even prefer putting up a picture of the customer alongside their testimonial to seal their credibility. 

Take a look at how Tushy goes about the customer testimonials on its landing page.

Write Intriguing Headlines

As we mentioned earlier, visitors don’t (sadly) really pore over each word of your landing page copy. Rather they just skim through it. What really catches their eye in this exercise are the headlines of your content sections. Now, should they be magnetic, you have a good shot at nudging them to dive deeper. 

So, what goes into writing a smashing headline? 

Framebridge’s landing page is a masterclass in writing impactful headlines.

Keep the Language Simple

If you think writing your copy in flamboyant language is going to fetch you dramatic results, we’d ask you to take a moment and reconsider. Now, technically, there’s no problem as such with using language that can put bestselling authors to shame. But, here’s the thing- a landing copy is not really meant for putting visitors in a literary trance; its job is to drive conversions. And for that, simplicity is the best suit. Keep your sentences short, your words accessible, and make certain that they ooze clarity. That said, don’t pepper your copy with buzzwords (“state of the art technology,” “integrated solutions,” and the like). Audiences will see right through it. 

Sound Human

How often have you come across landing pages where you couldn’t distinguish whether the copy was written by a bot or an actual human being? Here are some tips, so your landing page doesn’t leave your visitors in the same dilemma. 

Wrapping It Up

If you are new to landing page copywriting, the chances are that you will not get it right on the first attempt. And that’s perfectly alright. All the delightful copies that you see around you are the results of years of practice and experience. Soak up on the insights shared above, carefully analyze the examples, roll up your sleeves, and get going! We promise you, the magic isn’t far away.

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