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Sliders and Rotating banners in Emails – Unravelling Hidden opportunities

This world loves its choices. From clothes to cars, finding food to finding love and even from Instagram filter to Ice-cream flavor, everyone is spoilt with choices. What better way to transcend that feeling into your email with some interactivity. Uplers introduce you to two different interactive elements that can showcase your products without compromising on the overall length of your email – Sliders and Rotation Banners in Email.

Emails with Sliders are a class apart with these advantages

Display multiple products at once

Sliders in emails can be really effective in grasping the readers’ attention as it can easily highlight and promote multiple products at the same time. Since it slides, multiple colors & dimensions can be included to make the products look more appealing.

Showcase various benefits in one go

Each frame in the slider carries a different image, and this functionality can be used to highlight different aspects of your products.

Reveal necessary information generating curiosity

The speed of the sliders in your emails can be controlled thus, you can display the amount of information you wish to reveal. This will also make the readers curious.

And why Rotational banners are Multifunctional?

Serves the purpose of Multiple CTAs

Rotating banners look similar to GIF but are way better and can serve the purpose of CTA in an email. A GIF image can have only one link; whereas, Rotating Banners including sliding videos and sliding images can be linked to their respective pages – hence serving the purpose of adding multiple CTAs in the email.

Even both satisfies the same goal, what sets sliders apart from rotational banner is the user interaction needed for sliders to display different images.

Practical Uses


Both Rotational banner and Sliders come with no limitations except for the compatibility. All the major email clients like Apple email and Thunderbird support sliders in email. However, other email clients will provide a smooth and proper fallback of the slider

Slider Email Examples in Real World

Rotational Banner Email Examples in Real World

Get sample email on your mobile to see how it renders! Contact us now!

To integrate sliders or rotational banners within your email job, you can select add sliders or rotational banner as add-on from our order page.

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