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Benefits of Salesforce Marketing Cloud AI for email personalization

The capabilities of contemporary email marketing tools are immense. From email automation to intricate marketing tasks such as customer segmentation and personalization, the tools can do it all. In fact, this is the era of hyper-personalization where subscribers entertain only those emails that speak to them on a personal level. Here’s a brief look at the varied benefits of email personalization.

Enhanced user engagement

User engagement increases when the content has a personalized touch. As a result, open and click-through rates increase too along with improved sales and a robust ROI.

Facilitates remarketing

A personalized email has the ability to build a relationship beyond the initial sale. This opens new avenues of remarketing to such customers who have already purchased from your business before.

Leverages analytics

Personalized emails work effectively in getting hold of analytics. You can easily streamline your business by tracking and evaluating the email data. 

While segmentation can help you target the larger base of the audience personally, you can even make use of A/B tests to understand what works in your favor and what doesn’t. The insights extracted from this in-depth analysis can be shared through advanced, real-time reporting features.

Moreover, with the emergence of technologies such as artificial intelligence, personalizing the entire customer journey doesn’t only become easy but also leads to a significant increase in revenue. As a result, marketers who use AI for email personalization witness an increase of 41% in profit along with a CTR which is higher by 13.44%. 

So, how can you harness the power of the Salesforce marketing cloud AI for email personalization? 

With 300 billion emails sent every day, sending the right message at the right time to the right customer can definitely make your brand stand out amidst the competition. In fact, the average order value (AOV) of email personalized through artificial intelligence is a whopping 145 US dollars. 

All in all, with personalization and artificial intelligence becoming the next big trends in the field of marketing, it is high time you extract the benefits and get an edge over your competitors. In fact, Salesforce’s new Einstein AI enhancements empower brands by increasing customer engagement through strategies such as Einstein Engagement frequency, Einstein send time optimization along with Einstein content tagging. Here’s how the Salesforce marketing cloud AI can help you ace your email personalization strategy. Take a look: 

1. Drafting engaging email copy and subject lines

There are a lot of AI tools that use Natural Language Generation (NLG) to understand and write the language. It can be really helpful in giving a plethora of options for writing an email body or a subject line that entices users to click-through and open. Sure A/B tests help you add or eliminate words that will make a difference but AI can help you improve the usage of words in emails on a large scale. Here’s how it is done:

With the help of Natural Language Generation, AI can write a subject line better than humans can. It is able to do so by learning and analyzing your brand voice through the data you use to teach it, thereby creating subject lines that increase open rates and facilitate higher revenue.

Remember how Google’s Smart Compose, a baked-in feature within Gmail predicts what you will type next? It does so by leveraging AI and keeping a check on your past messages. Consequently, AI can use this language prediction tool and help you draft impeccable email copies seamlessly, thereby saving your time and effort, both.

AI’s deep learning technology has the ability to create relevant email copies that can resonate with any segment, audience or individual. In addition, the predictive analytics technique can send personalized email content recommendations to each individual subscriber, which otherwise would have been a monumental task for any marketer. As a result, there’s increase in engagement as well as conversions. 

2. Improving deliverability rates

Salesforce’s AI can improve the chances of your email reaching the intended target. Here’s how you can do it.

You can re-structure your email campaign and achieve delivery optimization through an AI-powered tool. Such tools break your marketing campaigns into a variety of internal sub-campaigns and ultimately modify them to maximize email delivery.

Sending time plays a critical role in an email getting read or skipped by the customer. Therefore, it is important to send an email at a time when the chances of it being opened by the consumer are the highest. Salesforce’s Einstein, with the help of predictive analytics, analyzes the past email interactions and behavior of the customers and determines the best time to send emails to each individual subscriber.

The deliverability of emails can be improved through a regular clean up of the email list. In this context, AI can enhance the relevancy of your email database by automatically removing outdated and obsolete contacts while updating other information such as job titles and phone numbers.

3. Facilitating smarter newsletter creation

Salesforce Marketing Cloud AI has the ability to create a smarter and effective newsletter. It curates content based on an individual’s interest and sends them personalized content, thereby improving the engagement considerably. 

4. Smart segmentation

From demography and geographic locations to psychographics and purchase behavior, a lot of factors contribute to segmentation. AI and machine learning take segmentation to another level by identifying certain buyer behavior and purchase patterns. AI makes use of web forms, CRM systems, and other customer data inputs for easy and seamless segmentation. It can help you in grouping subscribers into a variety of segments and targeting them accordingly in a much faster way.

5. Smooth email automation workflow 

Salesforce’s AI facilitates setting up of triggered automation campaigns by analyzing factors such as customer interests, past purchase behavior, sales funnel position, etc. It plays a vital role in lead nurturing. From determining the relevant content and images of welcome, retention, cart abandonment email, etc to driving engagement and conversions, an automated drip campaign can do it all. 

Wrap up

Salesforce marketing cloud AI can do the needful in effective implementation of email personalization. The seamless integration of AI and Salesforce is the key to creating hyper-focused and personalized emails that hit all the right chords of your customer base while generating great results in less time and efforts. So, get started with AI-driven personalization strategies and see how it takes your business to new heights of success. 

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