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Actionable Tips to Get Maximum Attendees with Event Email Templates


While an event manager is accountable for the successful management of conferences, concerts, training sessions or seminars, all the hard work would go down the drain if marketing efforts are not at par with the awesome arrangements for the event. Of course, there are a number of marketing channels through which you can entice the subscribers to attend your event. However, 78% of event creators believe that email is the most effective marketing channel for promoting events. Furthermore, 45% of event ticket sales can be attributed to email, as validated by the marketers who track email campaign performance.

That being said, let’s get an in-depth insight into how you can drive maximum attendees to your event with email marketing.

1.    Inform the reader about the speakers and industry experts (or artists) who will be a part of the event

The main USP of your event is the veteran speakers who are going to grace the occasion and share their valuable insights with the attendees.  You must inform the audience about this and entice them to attend the event. Once they get these details, they will be more curious to register for the event. In case it is a concert, you should share the artist line-up.

For example: Hope for Justice sends a nice email announcing that Worship Central would lick off their conference with their inspiring music.

2.    Include a video to draw the subscriber’s attention

Videos can convey a message in the restricted space of the email. A compelling video from an influencer or highlights from the past event can grab the subscriber’s eyeballs and encourage them to learn more and attend the event.

Hope for Justice has shared a video that gives a glimpse of the awesome performance by Natalie Grant. It would make people look forward to watching her live at the event.

3.    Write a clear and concise email copy

More often than not, event emails are dull and boring because they have the same elements such as date, venue, time, and list of speakers or artists. Therefore, you should focus on writing unique and clear email copy with precise information about the programme schedule.

Here’s an email example that sets the right expectations about the event and also promotes their early bird offer.

4.    Create a sense of urgency

It is quite likely that the event tickets would be available for a limited period of time and your event venue would be able to accommodate a particular number of people. Your email should convey this message by creating a sense of urgency and get people to register for the event as soon as possible.

Take a look at the example by Email on Acid in which they have promoted their webinar by highlighting “Last chance to register”. Also, note how the subject line creates the “Fear of missing out”.

5. Personalize your emails

Many event emails I receive are drafted in such a way that I can easily figure out that it is an automated email sent to a huge number of subscribers. To make sure that your invitation emails looks human, it is important to personalize and address the subscribers by their first name. It would not only add a human touch to the email but also encourage the reader to click-through and take action.

Formstack sends a simple yet engaging event email with first name personalization.

6. Add a signature

Signatures in your event email can add credibility to your company and advertise your event more effectively. You can have the signature of your director at the footer of the email to make it more convincing for the recipients.

Great Escape Publishing has used real signature of their Director to instill a sense of trust and get maximum registrations for their webinar.

7. Use dynamic content blocks

Apart from first name personalization, you can also add dynamic content blocks that consider the overall profile of the email recipient like their geographical location and job designation. The main advantage of doing so is that you need to create a single email design layout; the relevant dynamic content blocks will be shown to the respective subscribers.

8. Incentivize the attendees

With the advent of digitalization and modern technology, there has been an unprecedented rise in the number of conferences and digital events like webinars. If you want your event to stand out, you should deliver value and incentivize the subscribers by highlighting the benefits of attending the event. You can either offer a limited-time discount like Hope for Justice has done or prizes that the attendees can win at the event.

9. Incorporate live social media feed

You can enhance your event email marketing strategy by integrating social media marketing into it. You can create a buzz for your event by having a live Twitter, Facebook or Instagram feed in the emails. This will create a unique customer experience which will in turn boost the social media activity around the event.

Litmus garnered a lot of attention for ‘The Email Design Conference 2015” by adding live Twitter feed in their email.

10. Encourage email sharing among peers

Word of mouth marketing can work quite well when it comes to getting visitors to your event. Add ‘Forward to a friend’ button in your event invitation emails so that the subscribers can invite their friends or family who might be interested. It will not only enhance the brand visibility but also increase the event’s footfall.

Wrapping Up

Event email marketing is not just about sending an invitation email. You should also send reminder emails that work as a gentle nudge for the subscribers and encourage them to visit your event. Other than that, incentives and special offers can certainly boost your email campaign performance and the number of attendees.

So, do you have any more ideas to promote the events through emails?

Do share with us in the comments below.

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