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10 Essential HubSpot Integrations Email Marketers Must Embrace ASAP!

Essential Hubspot Integrations for Email Marketers

Irrespective of which industry you belong to, I’m sure that, at some point or the other, you’ve crossed paths with this incredible platform- HubSpot. Especially in the email marketing community, the platform is pretty much synonymous with delivering personalized and highly enriching customer experiences. One of the best things about HubSpot is that besides its already super-comprehensive suite of features, it also integrates seamlessly with several other platforms. Subsequently, this allows users to make the most out of the combined functionalities that result from these integrations. 

Now, HubSpot integrations aren’t confined solely to platforms that are developed and supported by HubSpot. They also include those developed externally by HubSpot Connect partners. So, while this gives email marketers a huge number of options to contend with, picking from among those invariably puts them in a pickle. Well, we are here to make life easier for them. In this blog, we are going to explore ten HubSpot integrations that will enable email marketers to up their game by leaps and bounds. Curiosity piqued? Keep reading, then!

1. Seventh Sense

Seventh sense is an AI software that helps you maximize the engagement of your email marketing campaigns. How, you ask? By allowing you to get on top of your email timing. You see, what Seventh Sense essentially does is figure out an optimal time window for each of your recipients based on their previous email interactions. This, in turn, goes a long way towards improving your deliverability. 

No matter how curated your content and stunning your design, at the end of the day, if you fail to get your timing right, your email will remain buried amidst the wave of others that hit your subscribers’ inboxes daily. And email timing is an extremely subjective affair. What works well for your competitors might just fall completely flat on its face when you try it. It depends on a number of factors such as:

So, is it possible to take all these aspects into account and figure out the most optimal time slot for your audience manually? Sure, if your subscriber list is 20-30 odd names long. But anything more than that, and you’ll have a tough time managing the circus. Seventh Sense, on the other hand, carries out true send time personalization and automatic engagement-based segmentation. As a result, you can deliver emails not only per your audience’s most optimal engagement time windows but also their favored frequency. This is what makes Seventh Sense such a crucial HubSpot integration.

2. SurveyMonkey

There’s perhaps no better way of staying on top of your customers’ pulses than by gathering their insights regarding your offerings. And one of the best ways of going about that is inviting them to participate in a survey. This is why survey emails are a critical component of every email marketer’s toolkit. Especially so in this post-MPP (Mail Privacy Protection) era. 

However, designing an impactful survey is no child’s play. This is where SurveyMonkey comes into this picture. With the help of this platform, developing a sophisticated survey becomes a breeze because:

The SurveyMonkey-HubSpot integration helps you convert customer feedback into actionable insights, thereby improving the success rate of your email campaign. 

3. Zapier

Zapier is an automation tool that lets you connect all the different applications involved in your campaign. By integrating Zapier with HubSpot, you will be paving the path for automating a ton of repetitive tasks, sparing yourself from coding them. 

Additionally, Zapier will keep sending newly generated leads to HubSpot, irrespective of the channel in which they are generated, making sure that your email list is well-maintained and updated at all times. 

4. Vidyard

All of us respond better to information when presented in visual medium than plain text, don’t we? And the more immersive the visual medium, the better the results. GIFs and videos have been known to outperform static images on multiple occasions. So, why not use videos to generate leads? Yes, that’s very much possible. All thanks to Vidyard!

Vidyard is no less than a boon for folks in sales and marketing, for it allows them to record a personalized video and send it alongside their pitches. Now, try to imagine things from the customer’s perspective. You receive two emails in your inbox- both are sales pitches. One is a regular, faceless block of text, while the other contains a video message in which the speaker is talking directly to you. Which one would you be more inclined to interact with? It’s a no-brainer, isn’t it? Embracing the Vidyard-HubSpot integration, thus, enables you to establish a personal connect with your prospects, amplifying your lead generation rates to no end. 

5. Terminus

Email signatures are a vital part of your email template. Why?

Still, it skips the minds of many, many brands out there. Well, what if we told you that you could partner up with a platform that would convert unutilized space on your template into customized email signatures? No, we’re not making things up, we’re simply describing Terminus. This wonderful tool takes stock of the recipient’s email address to come up with targeted email signature banner ads. Quite exciting, right? By integrating it with HubSpot, you can monitor the conversations generated from these signatures via HubSpot Analytics.

6. NeverBounce

Struggling with email deliverability? Then, it’s about time you added NeverBounce to your armor. This tool verifies all the addresses on your email list (in real-time) to make sure you are not delivering your emails to invalid or spam addresses. And when you sync NeverBounce to your HubSpot account, it carries out automated list cleaning. A major reason why NeverBounce is extremely popular is because it never relies on historical data for its list verification. Everything happens in real-time. 

Additionally, NeverBounce’s turnaround time is an absolute deal-clincher, taking only around 3 minutes to clean as many as ten thousand emails. With the NeverBounce-HubSpot integration, you will be able to verify and clean your existing lists on HubSpot. Subsequently, not only do you remain free from the scrutiny of ESPs (Email Service Providers) and ISPs (Internet Service Providers), but you also lay down the foundation for sky-high conversions.

7. Spellbound

In this day and age of email fatigue, one surefire way to catch your audience’s attention is by sending out interactive emails. To make that endeavor a success, you need to turn to Spellbound. This tool helps you incorporate an array of interactive features into your emails and enhance signup forms, event signups, purchases, meeting bookings, and surveys, all without having to write a single line of code. 

The Spellbound-HubSpot integration opens up exciting possibilities like:

8. Calendly

Want to fix an appointment with a prospective client? Now, there are two ways you can go about it:

1) Exchange multiple emails till both of you arrive at a mutually agreed-upon date.

2) Invite them to book the dates of their convenience on a scheduling platform, and you let them know accordingly.

Option 2 sounds way more feasible, doesn’t it? Well, that’s precisely what Calendly lets you do. By integrating Calendly with HubSpot, you’ll be able to embed Calendly schedule links in the emails you deliver through HubSpot. It doesn’t end there; when someone acts on that link and books a date, the details are automatically updated against the contact’s name on HubSpot. Now, that’s a practical arrangement, you’d agree? 

9. Proposify

Ask anyone working in sales what’s the toughest part of a sales cycle, and I’m sure all of them will utter one word in unison- closing. And in most cases, the roots of unsuccessful closing can be traced to ill-structured and vaguely written proposals. Are you struggling with the same? Proposify is just what you need then. 

Its library houses all the ingredients you’d need to craft a compelling proposal in minimal time. Further, Proposify also lets you keep track of your proposal’s status- from checking whether they were viewed at all or not in the first place to seeing which pages managed to hold your prospect’s attention for the longest, it lets you do it all. 

During the Proposify-HubSpot integration, the contact list between both platforms gets updated on its own, saving you significant time. Another charming benefit of this integration is that any changes effected to your rep’s proposal activity reflect directly on their HubSpot timeline.

10. ReadyTalk

ReadyTalk provides web, video, and audio-conferencing services with a view of making online meetings as collaborative as possible. If you are conducting a webinar using ReadyTalk, you must consider integrating it with HubSpot for the following reasons:

Wrapping It Up

All of a sudden, you are looking at HubSpot in a new light, aren’t you? “A whole new world” isn’t just a Disney concept anymore, is it? We hope the HubSpot integrations shared above help strengthen your email marketing strategies and take your campaigns to extraordinary heights of glory! Do you use any other integrations to get the most out of HubSpot? Do share in the comments below. 

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