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Explained: Hyper-personalization in Email Marketing

Hyper-Personalization in email marketing

Each time someone signs up for your email list, they provide data like their name, email address, location, interests, etc. Personalization starts with “data gathering.” 

Once you have this data, you study it, looking for patterns and insights. This is “data analysis.” Your latest subscribers will keep sending behavioral signals, based on which you will send highly relevant, targeted emails. And that’s “data application.”

Hyper-personalization is an improvement over personalization, and is based on the same three key processes: data gathering, data analysis, and data application. Locating those individuals who are searching for you, getting to know them, and contacting them directly – that’s what it’s about. 

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What is hyper-personalization?

Designing or creating an email campaign tailored to each recipient’s specific needs at a highly individualized level is called hyper-personalization. 

This approach makes recipients feel like the email was crafted exclusively for them because it contains the information they’re seeking at that moment. And they’re right to be feeling in that way! 

Contrary to popular belief, 83% of subscribers are eager to share personal info in exchange for a more customized experience.

Personalization vs. Hyper-personalization

Personalization involves utilizing basic data in order to become more familiar with the consumer. This would include Information that a subscriber has previously provided or that the business has obtained, such as their first name, last name and email address, for instance.

Hyper-personalization, on the other hand,  goes far beyond demographics. It involves leveraging behavioral data to further tailor each user’s experience. It appears as if the email was personally crafted for that individual, taking into account their unique needs and interests. This can be achieved using various channels and tools, including machine learning, geolocation, Big Data, and AI.

Let’s consider two practical examples to understand the difference better. Here’s an instance of a personalized email:

Hey, {First name}! 

We noticed you’ve made purchases on our website before. We’d love to continue being a part of your journey to healthy hair, so we’re excited to offer you a 15% discount on selected hair care products.

This voucher can be redeemed either on our e-commerce platform or at any of our physical stores.

Now an example of a hyper-personalized email:

Hey, {First name}!

We noticed you recently purchased the {Genesis: Anti Hair Fall & Fortifying Serum}. We’d love to hear your thoughts on it!

As your partner in your journey to healthier hair, we’re excited to offer you a special gift: a 15% discount on our entire range of {shampoos, serums, and conditioners}.

Basic personalization involves only using the recipient’s first name. The second example demonstrates how it is feasible to include more specific information (in this case, the most recent product purchased) to make the communication more relevant to your audience.

Don’t forget: by getting to know your subscribers well, you can provide them with experiences that are more meaningful. 

7 Hyper-personalization techniques

1. Gather comprehensive data

You need a strong base of customer data before you can send customized email content. The first step in putting hyper-personalization tactics into practice is gathering detailed information on your subscribers. 

Collect information related to demographics, interests, past purchases, and browsing patterns through forms, surveys, and preference centers. The foundation for developing incredibly targeted email marketing will be this data. 

2. Thorough segmentation

Effective hyper-personalization depends on segmentation. Based on shared traits or behaviors, divide your email list into smaller, more focused groups. 

This may involve elements like age, region, past purchases, amount of engagement, or industry. By segmenting your audience, you can send messages that are specifically tailored to each group’s requirements and tastes, which will increase the open and click-through rates.

3. Customized email content

With customization of content, you can modify the content of your emails according to the particular characteristics of the recipient. 

You can include tailored information straight into the body or subject line of emails by utilizing merge tags or dynamic content blocks. Using the receiver’s name or mentioning prior purchases are two examples of how to address a recipient. The likelihood of involvement increases when there is a sense of individual attention and significance.

4. Automated email triggers

Automated email messages are the emails sent in response to a subscriber’s behavior on your website or in response to earlier emails. 

You may send timely and highly relevant material to your audience by setting up triggers like abandoned cart reminders, post-purchase follow-ups, or campaign re-engagement campaigns. Behavioral triggers help nurture leads through the sales funnel and improve the customer experience.

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5. Location-based targeting 

With location-based targeting, you can alter the email’s content according to the recipient’s location. You can send emails with location-specific offers, events, or customized information by using geo-targeting. This level of personalization boosts the relevance and efficiency of your email messages by demonstrating that you are aware of the regional context in which your audience operates. 

6. Email timing personalization

Email timing personalization is crucial. Marketing emails get more responses when they recognize key dates like birthdays, anniversaries, loyalty milestones, and other dates. Customers also value timely promotional emails sent to them.

An email containing relevant information and offers, for instance, could be delivered at the same time that a customer is known to explore a shopping site every other day. It’s quite likely that the customer will open the email and perhaps even buy something.

7. AI-powered recommendations

This team member has to be an early adopter of the technology you’re working with. They can play a key role in weeding out antiquated practices and replacing them with a more futuristic approach. This makes them a crucial player of your CRM team. The innovator may also help you find new, hitherto unexplored, ways to tackle the myriad roadblocks in your CRM initiative.

Benefits of hyper-personalization in email marketing

1. Higher conversion rates

Generic emails with no personalization are quite simple to spot. Most consumers are likely to trash these emails without thinking twice in the near future. But hyper-personalized emails:

By making suggestions to customers that are more likely to match their traits and preferences, you reduce product returns. This results in better-informed purchase decisions and more income. 

2. Building trust

Customers trust brands that understand their needs. A basic “Thank you for your purchase” email isn’t enough—it lacks respect and understanding. Instead, send an email with more products they might like, plus a personalized video or graphic mentioning their name and what they bought.

3. Increased relevance 

You will be able to send emails to your customers that are relevant to the stage they are at in the sales funnel if you can figure out where they are in the funnel. 

With a hyper-personalized strategy, you can send the right message at the right time, increasing engagement and revenue. Rather than sending a mass email to your entire master list, think about sending decision-stage material to people who are about to make a purchase.

Read More: Ready-To-Use Vs Custom Email Template

Get in touch with Email Marketing Pros for all your email needs!

Hyper-personalization has revolutionized email marketing in a world overrun with generic marketing messages. By using these strategies, you can develop email campaigns that communicate directly to your readership, strengthening connections and increasing conversion rates. Need help experiencing this for real? Get in touch with our email marketing pros! 

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