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How to Convert Your Email Subscribers into Leads

Email Subscribers Into Leads

Among all the available lead generation techniques, email marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate and acquire new leads. It’s a format with which many users are comfortable and this is exactly the reason why email marketing works so well.

Ascend2’s recent report, Lead Generation Strategy Trends, proves that email marketing is indeed the number one online tactic for lead generation.

Creating an email program that converts for your brand or business is not at all rocket science; all you need to do is focus on the right things and adopt a methodical approach for generating quality leads.

Uplers are here to enlighten you with 6 best email marketing mantras to help you turn your email subscribers into leads:

1. List Segmentation & Targeting – It will take you a long way

Relevant emails get more opens, clicks, and sales. And list segmentation makes your emails more relevant to your readers. So, organize your list into segments, which can be done on the basis of:

Once you are done with segmentation, you can go for triggered emails, which will be different for different segments. This will make the subscriber feel special and might be encouraged to take a particular action, thus enhancing the chances of lead conversions.

But do not drive your subscribers crazy by bombarding them with marketing collateral, you might just drive them away – instead adopt a gentler approach. You might also want to generate leads by providing a free eBook to say Thank You for signing up or maybe a discount coupon for their next purchase.

2. Incentives to pull in leads

Great incentives can get great response. Whenever you send out an email to a subscriber, if you add an incentive in your subject line, the open rates are likely to increase manifold. According to a MarketingProfs report, subject lines that include the phrases “on orders over”, “off selected” and “your next order” tend to inspire more action from consumers.

‘Get free shipping on purchase of $50 and above’ or ‘Get a freebie with XYZ product’ or ‘Download our latest eBook and take 10% off your next purchase’ are some good examples of incentive-focused subject lines that can help convert an email subscriber into a lead. In the aforementioned email example, J. CREW has applied the same strategy in their mail and subject line.

3. Email Content – Give a Reason to Read and Smile

Sending emails that are easy to understand, and in the right context helps really well to build the trust and loyalty of your email list. Furthermore, make sure it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe if they wish to.

By asking the subscriber a question like the one asked in this email by OFFICE, they are not only building a relationship with the subscriber but also trying to convert them into leads.

Everything that you do in marketing should offer your readers value, so don’t think twice before spending some generous time in strategizing and creating exclusive content for your winning email. Let your email subscribers know a little more about your business and offer reasons why they should associate with your brand.

Offering an exclusive access to deals or promotions can help you win some good leads. Take the first step by giving them genuine reasons to read your content and they are sure to open all your emails, doubling the chances of further converting them into customers. For instance, a creative agency Hammock managed to increase open rates by 48% for B2B companies only by simplifying their email content.

4. Landing Pages- Gate your content for seamless lead generation

If you wish to convert your subscribers into leads, give your subscribers the option to find out more about your offers and take them to a dedicated landing page, which has all the details. The CTAs in your email should be concise and should tell the subscribers what the landing page will be all about.

Not only should the landing page content match with the email but the look and feel of the page should be in sync with the email as well. Don’t forget to use tracking tools to monitor which emails and landing pages perform the best.

5. Social Sharing – Be visible!

A study by Econsultancy reveals that E-mail messages with a social sharing button generate 30% more CTRs than e-mails without them. So, make sure you keep a provision for the same. People are more likely to trust the services which their friends are telling them about. Here is how Herbaffair does its ‘sharing’:

6. Boost CTORs with Video in emails

Pairing your email with a video is one of the most powerful trends for amazing lead conversions in email marketing. According to the 3rd Annual Video Marketing Survey Trends Report 60.4% of surveyed marketers said that videos in email made their customers “more likely to convert/purchase”. Another study reveals that 54% of email campaigns with video content reported higher click-through rates, and 41% saw an increase in email sharing – fueling lead generation and conversion.

But before you add one in your email, be sure of two things:


There are statistics to prove that Email marketing is the most effective way to convert your email subscribers into leads. Keep the following mantras in mind:

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