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5 Mother’s Day Email Ideas to Boost your Conversion Rate

mother's day email template

Mother’s day is approaching and it’s time for email marketers to pioneer and give their subscribers a never-seen-before email. Ideally, as an email marketer you should start sending your emails in the mid of April. However, the blasphemy is that 46% of the email marketers start their mother’s day campaign just a week before the holiday.

According to another survey it was observed that a Mother’s Day email campaign executed at the right time drove a whopping ROI.

As we know that an email sent on time is worth every dime as your sent email give subscribers adequate time to plan their holiday effortlessly which means great CTRs. According to a survey, consumers plan their holidays differently after receiving, opening, and reading email subsequently that contain ‘great’ offers or treats – considering these emails help in quenching their ideas on planning a holiday.

Simply put, sending email campaign on time and especially a holiday one is crucial. After the sending time, comes the creative type: I-receive-these-type-of-emails-daily sort of email will not do the justice to your brand’s creative persona and to your subscribers’ attention.

To execute a dunk shot and attain a winning score in your subscriber’s cluttered inbox, it is quintessential that you go out of your league and make your creative a star performer like Michael Jordan.

So look no further, Uplers  have gathered some of the best Mother’s Day Email Template Inspirations that promise to bring smile on your subscriber’s face, as well as maximize ROI for your business.


Why this email from Ciaté is worth considering? Well, this custom built email template not only contains ample products which provide choice to make but also contain beautiful colors that appeal to the subscribers at the first glance. Another thing that grabs the attention is the compelling copy. Free shipping is there with multiple CTAs to land on the specific and interested product information. So, what’s not to like!

Kate Spade

Hold your horses as Kate Spade is too in our list of celestial mother’s day email inspirations. The bold pink CTAs are there to keep your attention on them and instantly attain a click. If you are not charmed by this, then the “I Love MOM” images will certainly make you go awe. As Kate Spade is known for its heart-winning email designs and creative copy, this email is no different. No wonder, its winning the hearts of the subscribers already.


As if Kate Spade and J.Crew’s emails were not enough, Net-A-Porter’s Mother’s Day email came into the limelight. This creative is quite a charmer as their email contains all the ingredients that a conversion-friendly email requires. Besides the two CTA’s above and below the fold, not much copy is there. However, the date ‘Sunday 11 May’ creates a sense of urgency that makes this email a click attainer. The products are neatly listed and the colors are sharp, which brings out the oomph of this email even more.

Skull Candy

Here is a different yet making-you-smile kind of email from Skull Candy that steals your glimpse right after you open their email. A wise use of Johnson box indeed! The black & bold copy merges well with the holiday theme. The juxtaposition of colors pink and black adds a warm touch to this email. The unsubscription link is above the fold to save the consumers from the inconvenience of searching the opt-out button.


Instead of placing all the products in the center of the email, Loft decided to go on a different way and placed all the products in the corners of the email. The center screeches the bold discount that instantly makes the consumers happy. The “Shop Now” CTA is clearly visible and placed right after the Offer to attain more click-throughs. Indeed, a chic yet elegant email from Loft that speaks it all and spreads the warmth of Mother’s Day perfectly.

Great Mother’s day email inspirations, isn’t it? But have you planned Mother’s Day Email Campaign for your subscribers?

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