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Top 7 Email Podcasts Enhance your Email Marketing Approach


Though marketers are using all mediums to grab the attention of their prospective leads and existing clients, email marketing is still one of the strongest options. This is solely possible because of the extent of reach that email has compared to social media.

Owing to the raised demand for strategies in email marketing, more and more email marketers are tuning to podcasts to consult experts who talk about effective email marketing approaches and the ongoing trends. The Uplers also tune into most of such podcasts and have their own favorites. Let’s check out which podcasts, according to the Uplers, can help in improving and enhancing your email strategies.

#1 Marketing Over Coffee

This is a podcast that is recorded in the comfort of a coffee shop. In this weekly podcast, EventHero’s VP of Marketing, John J. Wall, and Podcamp’s co-founder, Christopher Penn, discuss on different marketing tactics while focussing on the strategies for inbound and outbound. Tune in to listen to some audio bits from influencers like Seth Godin, Josh London, Herb Cohen, etc. Find the podcast here.

#2 LiveIntent’sEverything Email Podcast

This monthly podcast from LiveIntent demystifies the innovative side of emails, debunk email myths, and elucidate email errors in the best way possible. From this email podcast you can attain the insights of email deliverability, email authentication, etc. Listen to the speakers Kerel Cooper and Ali Swerdlow share their expertise here.

#3 Call to Action Podcast from Unbounce

CTAs in emails are quintessential as it showcases the successful email marketing stories. This podcast from Unbounce can help in creating remarkable success stories and how you can implement those tips to reap the maximum revenue. To listen to this podcast and create amazing marketing experiences, click here.

#4 Litmus’s Email Design Podcast

Litmus’s email design podcast is purely devoted to email vogue. This podcast can give you’re the learnings of latest industry news, while keeping you updated with fresh marketing strategies, tools to utilize, coding and its thumb rules, etc. The podcasts can be heard here.

#5 The GaryVee Audio Experience:

A podcast hosted by Gary Vaynerchuk, a digital marketing and social-media pioneer who dons many hats. His podcasts are a reflection of his experiences, speeches on marketing and business, interviews, and ‘fireside’ chats that provide insights into different aspects.Catch the latest here.

#6 Ask Me about Email Marketing by AWeber

Ask Me About Email Marketing by AWeber features numerous topics to explore countless learning to gain. In this podcast you can hear the asked questions and their best delivered answers on how best you can approach consumers. Find the best question answered by Tom Tate here.

#7 Target Internet Podcast

Going full-fledged with educating modern marketers regarding digital marketing, Target Interest Podcast is a great resource to refer. In addition to email marketing, other aspects too are covered. Visit their website to find out more.

Do let us know which one of these podcasts helped you the most.

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