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A Day in the Life of an Email Marketer

email marketing

Email marketing is all about engaging your subscribers and guiding them further down the sales funnel with the ultimate goal of gaining the maximum ROI.

With email being considered the ruling King of all marketing channels, marketers need to go through a long checklist of tasks before sending even a single email. Add to it the dependency on a designer and a team of email developers, a day in the life of an email marketer is chockfull of tasks and analysis.

08 AM – 8:30 AM: Kick-Starting the day with Email Metrics

A day for an email marketer starts with the reflection on the email marketing campaign they have scheduled the previous day and a prayer that nothing went wrong with it (which mostly is answered all thanks to the rigorous testing).

For an email marketer, the first thing to check when they reach office is to check the performance of the email campaigns they have sent. The metrics give answers to some of the questions like:

Is any of this issue troubling you? If you are struggling to improve your email campaign performance, Talk to our Experts >>

 08:30 AM – 10 AM: Analysis of what didn’t go well/ Learning from Past

After thanking their guardian angels for error-free email campaigns, it is time to learn from the email metrics. Spending an hour analyzing the email metric, an email marketer prepares an email report for the email campaign and makes assumptions based on the results.

– Did the email have high open rates but low click rates? The subject line worked its magic, but CTA was not engaging.

– Did the email have high open rates but high unsubscribes? Uh-oh, subscribers got unrealistic hopes, or the email copy gave them a bad user experience.

– Recorded good number of clicks but not much conversion? The subscribers are going to the landing page but are not filling up the form.

From the findings from the report, the email marketer moves forward in tweaking the strategies for the upcoming email campaigns.

10 AM – 11:30 AM: Catching up with the rest of the world

Before tackling the nuances of setting up the next email campaign, its time for catching up on the ongoing events in the email marketing realm. Reading emails, reading interesting (and helpful) articles from platforms such as Uplers, Phrasee, Email on Acid, Action Rocket, etc. or finding inspirations on ReallyGoodEmails, BeetleEmail, and Rival Explorer.

11:30 AM – 01:30 PM: Testing the new email templates

Right on time, the marketer receives the email template coded & tested from the developer. The marketer does a preliminary check against the email brief provided.

The check involves tests such as

If the email template is not tested across different email clients and browser by the email developer, another hour or two may be invested in testing the email template using email testing tools or manually.

One of the best practices we follow at Uplers when it comes to building Email templates is to test them across 40+ email clients and provide a testing report during the delivery using tools like Email on Acid for perfection and renderability. This is to ensure that your email campaigns never fail to impress your subscribers. Hope you too are taking care of that.
For professional help, talk to our experts >>

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM: List cleaning / Workflow troubleshooting, or Landing page Optimization

An email automation is a boon for any email marketer as you can set a workflow and forget about it. Yet it is important to monitor the workflow for any issues and iron out any bottlenecks in the workflow. Additionally, a major time goes in checking the performance of re-engagement email automation and removing the dormant and dead leads. While these are performed once a month, list cleaning and workflow optimization are crucial tasks for any email marketer.

On other days, a major chunk of time is invested in optimizing the landing page performance for improving lead capturing.

Have you tried Landing Page forms? They can be your magical beanstalk to lead conversion.

While this may not take much time, it is an important pre-requisite before setting or scheduling any future email campaigns.

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM: Crossing off tasks from to-do and Email Campaign set up

As the day near its end, it is time for reflecting on the tasks done and preparing future email campaigns. For a veteran email marketer, this is a part of repetitive tasks done day-in-day-out and may be executed effortlessly. While exiting the office, this is the time for considering the day as a success and hoping tomorrow to be similar.

Wrapping Up

If you are an email designer or a developer, let this give you an insight into the life of an email marketer (appreciate them). If you are an email marketer just starting out, let this be guiding light for you (learn and respect your fellow marketers). If you are a veteran marketer, let this be a brag-post for how you handle your day (Share this post). ????

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