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Email Template Inspirations that Banks can Bank on


Email marketing
has proved to be the most future-proof channel for banks and financial institutions to communicate with their customers as well as promote their new services (Source). Users exhibit great anticipation to messages focused on their finances… And why not! After all, “it is a great stress reliever to have your finances sorted.” That’s exactly the aspect banks should consider while sending out their emails.

It’s interesting to know that financial email messages enjoyed acceptance rates above 97% in 2015. This implies that financial institutions focus on capturing accurate email information from their users and take help of automated list hygiene processes. Moreover, unsubscribe rates remained at 0.1% throughout the year. All these facts reflect how emails have enjoyed a superlative place in the world of “financial marketing” by engaging maximum users.

To enhance your financial communications and help you with future marketing strategies, We are here with some interesting email template inspirations.


What are the positives

What could be improved

The email could have been lesser text heavy as the subscriber may skim over the entire content.

Notre Dame

What are the positives

What could be improved

A CAN-SPAM compliant footer with unsubscribe link and physical address is missing.

Aspiration Summit

What are the positives

What could be improved


What are the positives

What could be improved


What are the positives

What could be improved

Wrapping Up:

Banking sector is the one that is mostly affected by SPAM and phishing emails, so it is important for your emails to be as assuring to your customers as possible. Make good use of the available resources such as subject line and pre-header text to convey your message even before the email is opened. For such emails templates, head down to our Email Template Library for some pre-designed email templates ready for coding.

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