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13 Tricks for High-Converting Holiday Landing Pages That Work Like Magic

Holiday Landing Pages Tips

There’s something about the Holiday season. Whether it is the decorations in brick-and-mortar stores or at home, the theme of radio shows, or the celebrations in corporate houses, everything matches up to the vibes of the Holidays. It is a special time for all the marketing professionals out there. Of course, there’s enough competition throughout the year but it becomes even more intense during the last quarter of the year. Therefore, marketers must make sure that their offers, copies, as well as visuals, can cut through the noise and engage the visitors or customers enough to drive conversions. This includes their website designs, email copies, social media channels, and email/PPC/social media landing pages where the users are redirected once they click on an advertisement or link. 

In this article, we shall focus on how you can create high-converting landing pages for the Holidays as we showcase some really amazing landing pages by brands.

Let’s get started… (Read till the end to see the BEST landing page that we found during the Holiday season…)

#1. Focus on ease of navigation 

The first rule to get higher conversions is to give the visitors what they are looking for. Your landing page must be free from any clutter so that your prospects or customers can easily navigate through it and access relevant information. Do not have any extra tabs that might distract the customer and hamper your conversion. 

Take a look at this holiday landing page template by Moo. 

See how they have exclusively showcased holiday gifts and festive favorites.

Another thing to remember is that some landing page geeks are against the idea of having a navigation bar on the landing pages. However, this is a subjective thing and you must test it with your audience. If it is working well for you, you do not need to do away with the menu navigation. (You might as well get some more conversions from there.)

#2. Have a single product landing page if you are promoting a particular product through your marketing channels

Often, marketers promote their newly released products in their email newsletters or sponsored social media posts. In such cases, the landing page should provide more information on that product. Let’s say, for example, you are promoting a specific gift article in your email. The CTA of this email must redirect the subscriber to a landing page that would throw more light on what the product is all about.   

Here’s an email from Harry’s that promotes their Holiday Winston Gift Set. 

Once the subscribers click on “Shop Now”, they will be redirected to the landing page that gives more insight into Holiday Winston Gift Set. They have included its cost as well as the inclusion of the set. In addition, they have also given the visitor an option to choose between foaming gel and cream.  

#3. Create a sense of urgency

Letting your visitors know that it is a limited-time offer is a great idea to bring instant conversions and boost sales. Create a sense of urgency by highlighting the number of hours left to grab the offer. This will tap on the ‘fear of missing out’ instinct in your subscriber’s mind and they will get more tempted to make the purchase. 

Here’s an example by Rue La La that has informed the subscribers that the offer ends in 17 hours only. Also, see how they have added some pun in the headline of the landing page – HOLI-DEJA RUE. 

#4. Be a marketer of few words (and more visuals)

Your customers are (most probably) “looking for” Holiday gifts. They are already busy and therefore, you must make things easy for them with minimum words. Just mention all the important things on your landing page and use the rest of the space for imagery. 

Here’s a landing page by Kate Spade New York that has not written anything more than what the customer needs to know while shopping for the Holidays. 

#5.  Use the power of bright vibrant colors

Did you notice the bright colors on the landing page by Kate Spade New York? That’s among the important landing page best practices for the Holidays. Use pops of red, green, blue, and other bright colors that represent the festive season and exude happiness and merrymaking.   

Besides, you can also use elements like Santa Claus, reindeer, gift boxes, goodies, and hampers on your landing page. (like Fortnum & Mason has done)

#6 Include relevant images 

Just like actions speak louder than words, pictures speak volumes when it comes to Holiday marketing. Let your imagery reflect the Holiday spirit without going too much over the top. 

See how Bath & Body Works has promoted beautiful three-wick candles for people looking for Holiday gifts or home decoration items. The images are so beautiful, they would certainly entice the subscriber to convert. Not to forget, the $10 discount offer on all the products displayed. 

#7 Rich Media can take your Holiday landing page to the next level

Whether it is GIFs, cinemagraphs, or videos, these elements add a touch of visual zest to the landing pages. 

To explain this in more detail, let me share a couple of examples with you. 

The first one is a landing page template by Nordstrom.

They have made beautiful use of a GIF on their Holiday landing page to draw the subscriber’s attention. Just scroll through the landing page and you will realize that it is one of the most well-designed landing pages with all the necessary elements, namely:

  1. Rich visuals
  2. Their USPs like same-day pickup, free gift advice, same-day pickup with free gift wrapping, and safe in-store shopping
  3. List of Holiday gifts according to category and recipient
  4. Important Holiday dates
  5. Holiday events 
  6. Wish Lists
  7. Holiday looks

The next two examples are by J.Crew and Kate Spade New York (also shared in Point #4). They have used videos to showcase their products and get the visitors to convert by piquing interest. 

One more example is by Jeni’s ice creams. They have added click-based interactivity to their holiday landing page to increase engagement and garner higher conversions. 

Need help with creating an awesome GIF or interactive landing page? We can help. 

#8 Include social proof on your landing page

Having customer reviews and testimonials on the landing page is a great idea, irrespective of the industry you belong to and the time of the year. Whether you are an ecommerce marketer or a SaaS business owner, have customer feedback on your Holiday landing pages to build the visitor’s confidence and make them trust your brand. 

#9 Feature the links to your social media handles 

It is important to encourage communication on other social media channels that are most relevant for your business. See how Anthropologie has included the links to their Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter handles along with the link to download their iOS App. 

#10 Entice the visitor with an incentive

We are programmed to appreciate free gifts. Tap on this consumer psychology by offering a free gift, especially during the Holidays. 

Have a look at how Nordstrom has incentivized their customers without asking too much from them. They just need to add a product to participate in the contest. 

#11 Tell a story and get creative

Unlock your creative side in your Holiday landing page design. I shall make this point by sharing an example with you.

Stop Aging Now has sent a stunning Halloween email with an interesting GIF.

They have continued the same story on their landing page wherein the visitor will be able to carve the pumpkin to unveil the offer. It creates a sense of suspense in the subscriber’s mind and prompts the next action. 

#12 A/B test your landing pages

As I mentioned in the first point, your Holiday landing page design relies heavily on your target audience and how they resonate with it. Test two or more variants of a landing page to figure out what works better for the prospects or customers you are targeting. 

#13 Design responsive landing pages

This is the most cliched advice but it is not any less important. Your landing page must render well on all devices irrespective of the screen sizes. Test your Holiday landing pages before making them live, thereby ensuring a flawless customer experience for the Holiday shoppers. 

Wrapping Up

Undoubtedly, the foundation of designing landing pages remains the same but for the Holiday season, you must hit the chord by considering the emotions of the customer. It is a lot about making their Holidays more cheerful through your products or services. 

Just follow these tips and you will surely be able to create high-converting landing pages and find the Christmas light at the end of the ‘funnel’…

If you still have questions or need help with your Holiday campaigns and landing pages, experts at Email Uplers are just a phone call or email (or live chat message) away. 

Get in touch with us and we would love to help you.

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