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How to Ace Personalized Email Marketing With Interactive Content

Everyone loves special attention. And personalization is all about that. You bring more emphasis to your audience than your product. Hence, personalized email marketing is at the heart of marketing campaigns for modern marketers. 

But how does interactive content fit in? While personalized emails ensure attention from your audience, interactive content boosts engagement. And in this blog, we’ll tell you how you can use interactive content to enhance your personalized email marketing campaign. Buckle up and let’s start!

What Is Personalization in Emails?

Email personalization is all about creating exclusive content for your audience. Your content should be front and center tailored to your customers’ needs and preferences. And that can be done by leveraging every little detail of the audience that you have. 

The best part about personalized emails is that they increase the email open rates significantly by being highly relevant to the user. Almost three-fourths of marketers say personalization in email increases engagement. And that is why it’s all the more important. 

What Is Interactive Content?

The content that involves participation from the audience is interactive content. This type of content requires communication from both ends and that means more engagement. 

Interactive content comes in a lot of varieties and forms such as quizzes, calculators, surveys, chatbots, polls, etc. You can create all these types of content easily on no-code builders.

Why Should You Use Interactive Content for Email Marketing?

If we go on to list all the reasons as to why you should use interactive content, this blog might never end. So, we’ll quickly summarize. 

1. Interactive content boosts lead generation for your email marketing campaign. 57% of marketers use interactive content for lead generation.

2. Your email conversion numbers touch the sky when your content becomes interactive. Statistics prove that interactive content has been shown to generate twice as much conversion as static content does.

3. Interactive content makes your email educational as you can provide important details in a fun way. 93% of marketers say that interactive content is more effective at educating buyers about a product or service than static content.

4. Apart from benefitting the audience, interactive content also gathers valuable insights about your audience. You can learn about the audience’s preferences easily.

5. Last but not least, interactive content helps in segmenting your audience which can further be used in personalization.

How Will Interactive Content Help You Perfect Personalized Email Marketing?

Putting every interactive content type to the right use is a crucial step. Here’s how you can ace personalized email marketing with different types of interactive content:

1. Personalize with Product Recommendations

When it comes to personalization, the first thing that comes to mind is product recommendation quizzes. After all, this is the direct route to give your audience what they want. 

You can analyze your customers’ preferences when you create product recommendation quizzes and then use it to curate personalized email campaigns. Sending personalized offerings to them in their inbox will increase the chances of conversion. 

For example, you can embed product recommendation quizzes like this skincare cream recommendation quiz in your newsletter.

2. Chatbot for Cart Abandonment

When someone abandons a cart without making the purchase, there’s a high chance of them thinking about the products for a little while before moving on. That’s the perfect time to retarget them. 

Embedding chatbots in emails to talk to people about the reason for abandonment is personal. It ensures communication and that will make your audience feel valued. Chatbots with personalized questions about the audience’s choices and needs can make them complete the purchase right away! 

3. Create Fun Quizzes to Engage More

Use fun quizzes to gather attention. Light-hearted emails with personalized subject lines have a good chance of getting opened. Statistics say that emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened.

However, interactive quizzes can serve you more benefits than just engagement and increased open rates. You can use this interactive content to ask relevant questions to your users and collect personal information. This personal information can then be used to segment and nurture them for your retargeting campaigns.

For example, questions like this can be used to target users based on their preference of colors. Once you know their choices, you can send them personalized emails with products of that color scheme. 


4. Collect Feedback With Polls

Want to know if your audience likes your brand? Using surveys and polls to get direct feedback will help you understand their opinions, choices, and needs. Furthermore, this can be used for better personalization as you can now show content that your audience actually wants. Moreover, you can avoid content that your audience does not prefer. 

For example, a fitness brand can send emails with such polls embedded in its newsletter. 

5. Award Loyalty With Giveaways

Offering awards is as important as offering good content to your customers. For those customers who have stayed loyal, you can embed interactive giveaways in your emails to offer custom discounts and gifts. This will make them feel special and that’s what personalization is all about.


Final Words

So, now you know why interactive content is amazing, why personalized email marketing is so great, and why you should use interactive content for personalized email marketing. You’ve got the whole package and multiple examples showing how you can do it yourself. 

Try out personalized emails with interactive content and let us know how it worked for you. Also, watch this space for more amazing content!

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