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Avoid These 7 Common Email Marketing Mistakes in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Avoid These 7 Common Email Marketing Mistakes In Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) is a comprehensive cloud-based platform that empowers brands to craft tailored email marketing automation strategies and efficiently manage their audience interactions across their entire journey, from awareness to advocacy.

By implementing Salesforce Marketing Cloud for your brand, you can leverage all these enduring benefits and get a much-needed edge over your competitors. Nonetheless, many organizations – especially those who are new to SFMC or Salesforce for small business – make some common mistakes that limit these benefits. Read on to know more about 7 such common mistakes and some Salesforce deployment best practices so you can make the most of SFMC for your next email marketing campaign.

#1: Not identifying the right audience

Salesforce for small business, specifically Salesforce Marketing Cloud provides a plethora of tools like Journey Builder and Email Studio to help you know your customers. You can easily capture and activate first-, second-, and third-party data to gain a unified view of every customer. By identifying new audience segments, you can create two-way, real-time, personalized engagement with the right message at the right time, every time.

Try these proven Salesforce deployment best practices for audience segmentation and targeting:

#2: Forgetting the value of content

In 2020, the average number of emails in an inbox is 200 (Source: HBR)

This means that every email you send is competing with 199 other emails for your recipient’s attention. So if it doesn’t stand out, there’s no way it will get opened, much less read!

That’s why content is (still) king.

Keep these content-related Salesforce deployment best practices in mind:

Another content-related mistake that many email marketers make is to disregard strategic content. Make sure you:

#3: Underestimating the need for data migration, cleaning and integration

Often, while implementing Salesforce Marketing Cloud for the first time, email marketing managers and even SFMC specialists, ignore – or worse forget – to take care of data migration and integration. If important data is being stored in multiple digital platforms but not migrated or integrated into SFMC, it can get left behind, causing major delays when an email marketing campaign is executed. Keep these best practices in mind:

#4: Not creating responsive, mobile-optimized emails

In 2019, mobile was the most popular reading environment, accounting for 42% of all email opens. (Source:

70% of mobile email users delete badly formatted messages in under three seconds. (Source:

Broken emails, slow-loading images, cluttered text, difficulty in scrolling or navigating – these are all common issues with non-mobile optimized emails. With the help of content blocks, Salesforce email templates, drag-and-drop functions and other easy-to-use features, SFMC specialists can quickly create and deliver dynamic, mobile-ready messages that inspire your subscribers to take some action.

Try these best practices to create impressive, mobile-optimized email messages:

#5: Failing to test before sending

With email marketing, results don’t always match plans. Therefore, before sending out an email campaign, it’s important to test it. SFMC offers powerful QA and A/B testing capabilities to help you do just that.

Once your campaign is ready, QA test the following areas:

In A/B testing, two versions of an email with different variables are created and sent out to two test audiences from the subscriber list. Here’s what you can test with A/B testing in SFMC:

Continually testing for one or more of these variables allows for ongoing email optimization.

#6: Forgetting that sometimes ‘less’ can be ‘more’

On implementing Salesforce Marketing Cloud, many email marketers realize that the platform comes with a number of features, both out-of-the-box and customizable. However, it’s too easy to fall into the trap of trying too many things at once. Remember that the purpose of your email marketing campaign should dictate the SFMC technology/features/functions you use, not the other way around.

Try these Salesforce deployment best practices related to SFMC customization:

#7: Not tracking performance

SFMC provides powerful tracking and analytics capabilities so email marketers and SFMC specialists can review the performance of their email marketing campaigns. Tracking can be done on:

After implementing Salesforce email marketing campaigns, use these powerful SFMC features to analyze and improve email marketing performance over time:

Wrap up

Implementing Salesforce Marketing Cloud is just the first step towards creating powerful email marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience. The key to eventual success lies in avoiding common mistakes and following some proven Salesforce deployment best practices. We hope this guide helps you with both!

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