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Be it an established business or a startup, everyone has joined the bandwagon of building a brand through email marketing. The simple reason being – that’s where their target audience is. As email marketing entails a number of intricate processes and technique-sensitive tools, committing a mistake is just another run-of-the-mill occurrence.

To err is human… and these mistakes can be as trivial as a spelling mistake in the copy or as embarrassing as sending a test email (with the subject line “TEST”) to the entire list. If you are nodding your head and smiling as the memories of the oversight nudge you, we have something for you…

In view of these commonly made email marketing mistakes, EmailMonks reached out to 350 professionals including email marketers, campaign managers, decision makers, and business owners regarding the biggest email marketing mistake they have encountered.

Here’s a snippet of the valuable information deduced from the survey :

  • 72% of the respondents were of the opinion that not allowing the recipient to opt out is the biggest email marketing mistake.
  • Next comes sending emails to the unsubscribers at 51%.
  • Broken links bagged the third position at 50%.

Not giving an option to opt out and not having an unsubscribe link in the email.


Sending emails to unsubscribers even when they have opted out.


Broken links or links that redirect the subscriber to the wrong page.


Wrong personalization - For example: sending emails with the wrong first name


Buying email lists and sending emails to users who have not granted you explicit permission


Errors in copy, i.e. spelling or grammatical errors in the subject line and email copy


Wrong email to the wrong segment - Sending a Women's Day offer to the male subscribers.


Not implementing an omnichannel strategy to impart a consistent experience to the subscribers


Email appending databases and fetching the email address through other personal details.


Not building an email list proactively and waiting too long to execute list building techniques


Failure to test emails and not checking for proper email rendering


Not following an email marketing calendar and missing out on deadlines

Get enlightened with the valuable insights of 27 experts

Andy Crestodina

Orbit Media Studios

Diana Conner


Michal Leszczynski


Jeannette Castaneda

Inbox P.I.

Janis Rose


Sam Hurley


Crystal Ledesma

Veronica Williams


Phillip Davis


Tammi J.Miller


Neville Medhora

Kopywriting Kourse

Jonathan Pay

Holistic Email Marketing

Will Devlin

Message Gears

Matthew Vernhout

Paul Airy

Beyond the Envelope

Larry Kim

Mobile Monkey

Crystal Vargas

Boats Group

Dennis Dayman

Return Path

Mike Welthy


Kath Pay

Holistic Email Marketing

Radu Neag

Travian Games

Kait Creamer

Wandering Kait

Irina Akelyeva

Andy Shore

Benchmark E-mail

Karen Talavera

Synchronicity Marketing

Daniel Burstein

Marketing Sherpa

Skip Fidura


Over to you

Have you came across any other email marketing mistake? Do share your experience with us.