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Holiday Season is the busiest time for businesses across the globe. With people all excited about shopping during the festive time, marketers need to gear up to lure prospects with engaging marketing ideas and offers. What should you do to grab the attention of your email subscribers, especially when your competitors too are leaving no stone unturned?
The answer is hidden in this all-encompassing guide!

31st October


Let’s catch up with the trends observed in the last two years. Halloween was among the top 10 consumer spending events of the year 2019.

Top shopping holidays in america

Average planned spending per person in 2019

Research suggests that the scarily cheerful merrymaking of Halloween has reached $86 per person in 2019.

In view of these facts and figures, you should pay special attention to ‘email marketing’ as it is believed to bring the maximum revenue among all the marketing channels. Consequently, you should invest your time into creating innovative emails that would woo more customers to buy from you.

You should start planning your holiday email campaigns well in advance as the consumers start their holiday shopping right from October.

That said, let’s understand how you can nail your Halloween emails.

  • Boo-y Subject Line

    Grab the subscriber’s attention with a smart and punny subject line. Instead of writing "Halloween Discount"?, write something like "SPOOKDID SALE"?. It would not only make the subscribers smilebut also entice them to open the email.

  • Tricky Email Copy

    Add creative fonts in your email copy to stand out from the myriad of Halloween-themed emails in the subscriber’s inbox. Use an engaging and freaky tone to give the feel of the occasion.

  • Pumpkinized Design

    Include elements like the witch’s broomstick, ghosts, pumpkins, etc. that are unique to Halloween rather than using your routine branding colors. You can also have interactive elements that create a festive spirit, thereby driving more conversions.

Pro Tip:

Plan it well in advance so that you can get enough time to spookify your subscribers.

26th November


Thanksgiving Day is no longer the traditional day of just expressing gratitude to your loved ones. Generous online spending has made it an important buying day of the holiday season as well.

Here’s a statistic to bolster the importance of Thanksgiving Day email marketing.


(Source: Adobe)

It has, therefore, become inevitable for marketers to not only show appreciation for their subscribers and customers but harness the power of email marketing to make the most of this shopping extravaganza.

Here’s how:

  • “Grateful�? subject lines

    Let your subject lines reverberate the vibes of gratitude but try to stand out from the plethora of thanksgiving email subject lines sent during those days.

  • Showcase Turkey Day offers

    Your email copy should reflect the essence of Thanksgiving by saying “THANK YOU�? to the subscriber. You can even promote discount offers and giveaways that match the mood of the Holiday

  • Turk-uoised email layout

    Thanksgiving is all about drooling on the large and deliciously roasted turkey, celebrating the festivities and enjoying football. Let the interactive elements like GIFs and CSS animations in your email do the talking.

Pro Tip:

Create urgency through limited time offers displayed with the help of a countdown timer and tap on the ‘Fear of Missing Out’ instinct of your subscribers.

27th November


30th November


Thanksgiving Day is no longer the traditional day of just expressing gratitude to your loved ones. Generous online spending has made it an important buying day of the holiday season as well.

Looking for Thankgiving emails at offer price?

Us cyber week retail ecommerce sales, by shopping day, Nov-Dec 2019

(billions and % change vs. prior year)

Note: represent activity on Adobe’s platform, broader industry metrics may vary
Source : Adobe, "2019 Holiday shoppingTrends," Dec 2, 2019

In 2019, Black Friday spending reached $7.4B. Cyber Monday was the biggest online spending day showing a spending of $9.4B according to a report by eMarketer.

Email marketing if done right can help you reach the maximum number of subscribers and achieve an outstanding ROI.

Here are tips that can help you with your conversion goals.

  • Tempting subject lines

    Write thoughtful subject lines that promote the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale. Subscribers are more likely to open such emails that provide them with an opportunity to shop at discounted rates.

  • Short and to- the-point copy

    Your subscriber is likely to receive a plethora of emails promoting ‘holiday sales’. Make sure that your recipients get an attractive offer that they are sure to avail, thus helping you generate conversions. Keep it short and sweet.

  • Cutting-edge designs

    Discounts are everywhere in holiday emails. So, it is the email design that would help you stand out. Try gamification, keyframe animations, and kinetic designs to make your emails visually impressive in the teeming inboxes.

Pro Tip:

Create urgency through limited time offers displayed with the help of a countdown timer and tap on the ‘Fear of Missing Out’ instinct of your subscribers.

25th December


Considering the huge spike in the Christmas sales in the past years, marketers can expect similar figures in 2020.


  • Cheerful subject lines

    Bless your subscribers with uniquely cheerful subject lines that would stand out and entice your subscribers to open the email.

  • Christmassy email copy

    Wish your subscribers and customers with an interesting Christmas greeting that would enhance their high spirits. In addition, promote your exclusive discounts and share some extraordinary gift ideas to lure more customers.

  • use of christmas elements

    Your email design is not complete without pretty Christmas trees, little snowflakes, cute snowman, glittering fairy lights, adorable reindeer, and of course an endearing Santa Claus. Create an innovative rich media email with the help of all these Christmas props

Pro Tip:

Gift guides go a long way in garnering conversions for your business. So, go ahead and give it a try.

1st January


The holiday shopping fever starts from September and lasts all the way till January. Every year there is a record-breaking spending and the sales momentum stays strong till the New Year.

Let’s explore some interesting New Year tips that would help you finish the holiday season on a high note and start the new year in STYLE…

  • Zest of inkling in the subject lines

    Pique the subscriber’s interest by using a dash of suspense in the subject line that conveys something awesome lies in store for the New Year.

  • Roll out the red carpet

    Greet your subscriber with a New Year wish and go on to unveil what’s new in store for the subscriber in the coming year. Make your copy interesting enough so that it gets the desired click-through rates.

  • FRESH email design

    Build a creative email design that aligns with the exuberance of the New Year. Rather than using the same ol’ modular and reusable templates, try out custom templates that would knock out the monotony of your previous year emails.

Pro Tip:

UNIQUENESS is the key as your subscribers are all set to make a new start in the year to come.



Holidays mean more email! Typically, during the holidays we send a far greater number than on average during the rest of the year. Because of this, it's important to consider slowing ramping up the amount of email you send. By creating additional frequency earlier in the 4th quarter you will improve your email program ROI later when it really counts.

There are many benefits to this including the fact your sender reputation is less likely to take any negative hit since the volume you are sending has gradually increased over a couple of months vs. a couple of weeks. Second, your customer is less likely to get annoyed as you have steadily increased your sending over a greater length of time. Keep in mind, before you start ramping up the worth considering educating your customer to the fact you will be sending more email as the holidays approach.

Give them the chance to opt out or even tell you what their preferred cadence is. Considering this approach well in advance of the holiday season should increase how effective your email campaigns will be and ultimately how much revenue you drive. Happy sending!

Andrew Kordek


Holiday email volume in 2020 will likely break all sorts of records due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19. Brands must be aware that they are not just competing with competitors, but almost every brand and other "emails" that subscribers receive.

While 2020 has not been an ideal year for the world, brands should consider pivoting a bit in their messaging during Holiday. At iPost, we believe that brands should Humanize, Harmonize, and Empathize in their email programs.


Brands need to use copy and content that speaks with rather than too their subscribers. A humanized tone rather than the traditional marketing tone should pay dividends in every email. Copywriting is a lost art, and it’s time for it to make a comeback.


If there were ever a time for brands to ensure that their messages are in harmony across their digital channels, it is now. Fragmented messaging and competing channels all for the same customer are no longer acceptable. Eliminate the VS. environment if you have one.


Humans spot fake empathy quicker than you think. Your messaging in the Holiday season should contain empathy, but be cautious about going overboard and looking like you are trying too hard. Testing the empathy levels inside your creative to find the right balance is crucial, especially to those subscribers who have not engaged with your brand in a while. Be genuine but be unique.

Holiday 2020 will be a unicorn since the digital age began. Brands MUST pivot and not rest on what has worked in the past.

Daniel Deneweth

Oracle CX Marketing

Deliverability can be a wildcard during normal holiday seasons. Each year brings new challenges, and 2020 has been anything but normal. In past seasons, we've seen major shifts leading up to holiday email peak, including sudden widespread block listings and unexpected drops in sender reputation. This year, marketers need to be prepared for anything. Plan ahead and stay alert. Build a strong sender reputation early, so you're not struggling to deliver when you need it most.

Remain vigilant: keep a close watch for changes to your reputation and other deliverability KPIs, and make adjustments before you run into problems.

Daniel Burstein

Marketing Sherpa

It all comes down to the value proposition of the product, along with the process-level value proposition of each individual email sent.

Start with the customer and put yourself in their shoes. How has their world changed? And what other options can they choose? Based on that, where does your product fit in? And how can you communicate it credibly?

For some products, this may be a drastic change. For example, a rock band might choose to promote an old-fashioned vinyl LP or CD as a gift instead of in-person concert tickets. For others, it may be a slight pivot to a lower-priced offering because of the economic fallout of the pandemic.

Next, try to put yourself in the shoes of the customer again as it relates to the emails you send. What else are they dealing with in life? What else are they getting in their inbox and through other digital and traditional communication methods? And how can your emails add value?

This may mean a content marketing newsletter that helps customers overcome a pain point or meet a goal. Or it may mean introducing them to the right product with the right promotion at the right time (based on triggers from your content marketing, for example). But it most certainly does not mean endlessly haranguing them to buy your product as if nothing exists in the world.

Something else to note, while most of the focus during the holidays is likely B2C, B2B marketers shouldn't overlook holiday promotions as well.

Karen Talavera

Synchronicity Marketing

According to several early reports, it’s going to be an e-commerce Christmas. With online steadily gaining share over in-store shopping year-over-year since e-commerce began, 2020 is shaping up to be the ultimate tipping point fully on the side of e-commerce, a trend we may never see reversed. That’s great news for email marketers since consumers will seek and rely to a greater extent on email messages for product selection, information and deals.

It also means the torrent of already-sky-high holiday inbox volume will increase yet again, so marketers need to plan their email messaging strategies earlier and more precisely. It’s time to adopt the creation of buyer personas and persona-specific journeys as proper email strategy and leave behind the high frequency, easy go-to approach of batch-and-blast promotions that has passed as acceptable for far too long. Burying subscribers in sheer volume is or will soon push them to a point of dis-engagement and overwhelm (if it hasn’t already), so emailing smarter vs. harder is the way to go.

I think we may also see a step-up in creative and design features too, such as animation and video in email becoming near-standard, plus greater attention paid to dark mode and mobile-friendly design, dynamic content, and eye-catching features like side-scrolling, count-down timers, etc. becoming more commonplace. Standing out in the inbox has always been challenging, but will be an epic fight to the finish this season, so anything holiday email marketers can do to creatively capture and keep visual attention will pay off in higher engagement and conversion.

Nicolai Yakimchuk


2020 has been a challenging year without doubt. Despite the challenges and issues caused by the global pandemic, online marketing has seen a significant increase. It's not only about the increasing number of online users, but also the rise of new marketing tools and new enhanced features.

Email marketing remains one of the strongest drivers to engage with our customer audiences. All creative planning aside, we are focused on user segmentation more than ever. Our audiences want customized and personalized messages, curated collections, relevant content. During the holiday surge in traffic, segmentation will be set up and prepared. All custom emails will be in places and triggered as needed for each important segment. Segmentation is not about pure monetization. It's about staying relevant and engaging with our customer base

Jacopo Mauri


When we buy a gift online, we always have someone special in mind. These gifts reflect our perception of the people we care about the most. We know them deeply, and that’s why we’re looking for the perfect gift for each of them.

This is exactly the same mindset you should have towards your customers and users. Each one of them is different and unique: special. And you should treat them that way!

Personalization is key when it comes to your customers. By delivering a more personalized experience (based on behavior and preferences) you will make your customers feel truly special.

Refrain from sending standard emails or promoting standard offers. Stop and think: Who is this individual? What does this person really care about and want? What are they looking for?

Put your customers first. One by one. Leverage what you know about them to make their experience unforgettable. Holidays make us feel a bit special, so let’s make the holidays really special for our customers!

Michal Leszczynski


Want to succeed with your holiday email marketing campaigns? Here are a few things you should keep in mind.

First and foremost, be extremely mindful and respectful. What we're dealing with isn't only affecting businesses but, most importantly, it's affecting your audience and their close ones' lives.

Secondly, watch your data & forget about the best practices. The way we live (and consume content) has changed over the last months. What may have been the best time to send a message may no longer be the same today. The same goes for the length, format, or even the type of content you're sending. Start running A/B tests today and gather intel before the holiday season comes.

And finally, adapt. Various studies show that people still want to feel the holiday spirit, even if they can't see their close ones in person. That means they're still buying things, but mostly online. Analyze the trends data and how people are interacting with your website. See whether you're offering the right kind of services they'll now need – e.g. wrapping and sending products as gifts, online vouchers that you can use in the online store, free returns via post.

Perhaps needlessly, but I'll also like to mention that you should make sure your emails (and website) are optimized for mobile. If you haven't done this before, it's now or never.

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