It’s time for you to send out an email to your subscribers and you are afraid to press SEND because you are unsure if you have got it all right, but worry not it’s Uplers to the rescue once again!
With businesses stating that they will increase the use of email marketing in 2014, it’s imperative to have a clear checklist to be followed before hitting SEND. So here’s an exhaustive one for you!
“Gentlemen, STOP SPAMMING.” You surely don’t like someone saying this to you. So, why not use a recognizable from address? And for heaven’s sake do not use ‘do-not-reply’ IDs!
Set-up proper “To” field with merge tags so that the [First Name] and [Last Name] will show instead of the email address of the recipient. Eg.: Tom Henry instead of Also, provide recipients a proper email address to reply to.
Who cares to read more? Keep the subject line engaging, short and personalized. Avoid deceptive subject lines. Spread love not hatred.
Ah! Those perky little numbers shout a lot. Use tools like Google Analytics while you use links in your email campaigns and dig out some useful insights.
Yo buddy, get social! Add some social sharing buttons, peace out!
Provide a ‘View Online’ link. For all those subscribers who are unable to read emails well in their email clients due to renderability issues will be able to view them online clearly through this link.
Let people go! Let them go easily! Provide a clear unsubscribe link – that’s a pesky rule too!
Be disciplined and follow the CAN Spam regulations. Include your physical address and contact no. in the footer. Rules are meant to be broken, but not with emails please!
Man, you have got a time bomb ticking, right in front of you and you clip the wrong wire. Boooooomm! That’s how sending email to the wrong list is. Check your list, clean it (just like you clean your house after the party) and maintain it from time to time.
Would you try to squeeze yourself into your baby’s clothes? That’s how squeezing all subscribers into the same list is. Segment them and serve them interest based content.
Call me by my name! Everyone likes that! No harm in inserting dynamic tags like name and company name wherever required for better personalization.
It’s good to send out the HTML emails, but show some mercy to plain text readers too. Send out emails in both the formats HTML and plain text.
Junk time! Take a spam test to ascertain what amount of your emails will go to the spam folder.
You don’t want to wake up someone on the other side of the globe during midnight. That’s terrible! Schedule emails for right people at right time. Do not forget X’mas and other holidays. It may turn out to be your boxing day with boss at work!
Easy there! Bouncing is bad, may it be your check or email! Check your ISPs maximum number of emails per hour and ensure that you have throttled emails accordingly.
Technology makes life a lot easier. Automated tools are your best buddies, they help testing emails on different clients and check the compatibility.
If you are not hungover, just saying, do some manual testing. Check your email client compatibility.
Go out there and stick it on - Apple, Gmail, Outlook,
Apple iPad, Apple Mail, Google Android and
– We recommend these top 88%.
Calculated from 835 million opens tracked by Litmus Email Analytics in August 2014
Check whether from address & reply-to address is being displayed correctly.
Cross check the flirty one liners, symbols or personalization you have incorporated while setting up Subject line and ensure that the same is displayed correctly.
Show the sneak peak! Provide 100 characters or less of snippet text.
- To know more about Snippet Text, Visit our infographic:
Jesus, you forgot the Johnson’s box. Do not unbox the email please! First make sure you include the Johnson’s box in the right size.
- To know more about Johnson Box, Visit our infographic:
Test it all! Be eagle eyed! Get the fly outta the soup! Test view online and unsubscribe links, test social sharing links, test all other links within the email.
I am unique, treat me different! That’s what everyone demands – fulfill it and check whether the tags inserted into the system are working correctly.
Imagine a shoe image with an alt text ‘Buy mangoes’ – ROFL Blunders!!!! Check alt tags of all the images and make sure they get displayed properly.
You are still under the scanner buddy, look out! CAN Spam regulations – Have you incorporated ‘em all?
Give me some HTML, give me some plain – see if both the versions are displayed right!
Don’t make typos! That makes everyone go bananas! Check content twice, tone (like our’s is very professional, no? ), length and every small corner. You get what we mean, huh?
Crack these tips and jet, set, SEND!
Be a super email marketer with
the Monk’s email checklist.
Uplers design and code flawless emails, newsletter templates, landing pages, and digital assets such as banners.
In addition, we also offer email automation and campaign management services. To know more, email us at or visit