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What It Takes To Create A High-Conversion Landing Page

Creating a high-conversion landing page is not as difficult as marketers consider it to be. But it surely takes some smart work and strategic thinking...

Creating a high-conversion landing page is not as difficult as marketers consider it to be. But it surely takes some smart work and strategic thinking.

And if done right, pay-offs can be highly lucrative (to put it mildly).

Consider the case of how a single landing page helped Moz add $1 million to its annual revenue.

Even if you cannot make a case study-worthy jump in conversions, a modestly-converting landing page can be a key foundational element for online success. This is because while the average conversion rate across industry verticals is 2.35%, the top 10% of businesses with high-conversion landing pages can even clock a rate of 11.45%.

Bridging this gap can mark a serious turnaround in your company’s fortunes!

What is a landing page?

As the name suggests, a landing page is the first page of your website that a visitor will land on from search engines, emails, social media, or other online sources. It’s the best place to introduce your products or services to your visitors and egg them on to take the desired action. This action could be signing up on your website, subscribing to your newsletter, or even making a direct purchase.

Since most landing pages are created specifically to market products or services, they play a crucial role in increasing the conversion rate. That’s why it’s essential to create one that offers clear and focused information along with a CTA that is in line with the outcome that you want to achieve.

The metrics collected through your landing pages are vital for assessing the success of your marketing initiatives. Since a lot of marketing effort today is focussed on growing traffic and converting visitors into leads, the role of landing pages in driving business growth is fast becoming indispensable.

4 Things to Consider for a High-Conversion Landing Page

Now that you understand how crucial high-conversion landing pages can be in driving business growth, you’d want to take stock of your own. But before you get down to building a landing page from scratch or overhauling an existing one, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Who is my audience?

Your average customer probably interacts with a dozen other websites every day. Why should he/she spend those 2 extra minutes on your landing page to interact with the desired CTA? Knowing your target audience better will help you boost engagement by using just the right page elements.

2. How do they arrive at my landing page?

A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work well for landing pages lead conversions. Hubspot reports that websites with 40 landing pages generate 12 times more leads than those with only 1 to 5 landing pages. The message on your page must factor in where a visitor is coming from. A different landing page for visitors from search engines and social media platforms is warranted for better conversions.

3. Who are my competitors?

Keeping tabs on industry trends and what your competitors are up to is just good business sense. Why not apply it to building your landing pages as well? Before you create your own, assess what your competitors are doing differently, and if it’s working for them. You can then take lessons from their hits and misses to create stand-out landing pages.

4. What is the goal?

What is it that you want your visitors to do when they arrive at your landing page? Fill a contact form, subscribe to a newsletter, sign up on your website, or make a purchase straight away? It is critical to define this end-goal clearly. Only then can you create a concise and clear Call-to-Action.

Guide to Creating a Landing Page That Converts

With so many elements and even more options to fill in these elements, web design can be tricky business. While you must nail it for your entire website, it’s even more critical to get it right for your landing pages.

After all, these are often the first point of contact of customers with your business. The following parameters will go a long way in helping you create a landing page that converts:

1. Make the Headline Compelling

The headline of your landing page is the first thing that will grab the attention of your visitors. It can either engage them or make them bounce within the first few seconds. This small detail can play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of your landing pages. So make it count.

compelling headline


Take the examples of this FitBit landing page, where the entire messaging of the brand has been conveyed clearly in just 5 words. It’s creative, it’s unique, it inspires a sense of urgency and displays authority. It’s everything you want a landing page headline to be.

2. Mobile-Friendly

It is no secret that a majority of users today access and surf the web from their handheld devices. That’s why optimizing your website for mobile-friendliness is vital for visitor engagement. The importance of mobile-friendly interfaces can be gauged from the fact that it is now a criterion that also governs your Google ranking. This makes creating mobile-friendly landing pages non-negotiable because you don’t want your visitors to bounce away due to a frustrating experience.

mobile-friendly template


Drift’s landing page is a fine example of what you should aspire to achieve in this regard. This landing page has the right dimension, is visually appealing, has a clean design, and most of all, a clear CTA.

3. Clean Design

The quality of a website’s design directly impacts its credibility. A beautiful yet clean and simple design, thus, becomes even more important for a landing page, which is a gateway to your website.

clean design in template


Take a leaf from this clean landing page from HubSpot that answers the ‘what’s in it for me?’ question with pointed statistics, giving users a complete picture of their operations in a matter of seconds.

4. Keep It Simple

Simplicity is the holy grail of a well-designed landing page. Even though your pages need to be beautiful and eye-catching, they should also be easy to read. The best way of achieving that is not to clutter them with too many design elements, buttons, or heavy-texts. This only confuses your visitors and distracts them from the core CTA.

online business template


See how this Spotify page nails simplicity of landing page design. With one look, you can grasp what they’re about, the action they want you to complete, and how it benefits you!

5. Testing

No matter how research-based your design is, you can never be 100% sure that it will hit the nail on its head. Have you placed all the elements where a majority of users prefer them to be? Is your use of visual elements just right or excessive? Is the font right?

The best way to be sure is to test your designs. Split testing, also known as A/B testing, where you test two versions of a single page and then measure the performance on different metrics such as the number of clicks, bounce rate, and average time spent can give you powerful insights.

6. Better Load Speed for High Search Engine Ranking

Commit to developing accelerated mobile pages with a more streamlined HTML structure for better load time. This helps in increasing your SEO score organically because less load time automatically translates into higher SERPs. Of course, content that ranks higher on search engine results gets more traffic as well as conversions.

7. Add a Clear Call-To-Action

Most importantly, your landing page has to have a clear call-to-action (CTA), so that your visitors know exactly what you want them to do. The right placement also is equally important. If you throw a CTA at your visitors before they’ve fully understood what it is that you’re offering, they will either skip it or bounce away. So, choose a placement that will make sense to your visitors.



Neil Patel, for instance, places it right at the top but in a manner that encapsulates all the benchmarks of a stellar landing page. That too, in two sentences. Now, that’s the gold standard of landing pages you must aspire to meet.

The Takeaway

Your landing pages are more than just a tool for conversions. They’re a reflection of who you are as a business and can make or break your credibility!

At Uplers, we are committed to empowering businesses with compelling landing pages that not only boost conversions but can be scaled into entire channels of lead generation! 

Check out another useful guide on how to create high converting landing pages with SendFox in a few minutes.

Get in touch with us for more details on how we can help you increase your revenue.

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Kevin George

Kevin is the Head of Marketing at Email Uplers, one of the fastest-growing full-service email marketing companies. He is an email enthusiast at heart and loves to pen down email marketing content. You can reach him at or connect with him on LinkedIn.



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