Customer Relationship Management (CRM) facilitates the delivery of targeted content, and that has made it the biggest software market across the globe. As a matter of fact, it is believed that by 2025, CRM will touch the mammoth figure of $80 billion when it comes to revenue. (It was $48.2 billion in 2018.) Companies strive to integrate different platforms and software programs to deliver a personalized experience to their customers. That’s the key factor behind the popularity of CRM. It is no surprise that companies using CRM have boosted their sales by 29%.
Although email marketing often gets pronounced dead by technology geeks, it has continued to evolve and stay strong. Considering this fact, we decided to delve deeper into the CRM email marketing operations and tried to understand its strategies, challenges, and emerging trends.
We got in touch with 100 CRM experts to get insights into questions like:
i. Which CRM/Marketing automation tool do you use?
ii. How many manual emails do you send every month?
iii. Which channels do you use to send marketing messages from your
iv. Which CRM feature has been the most beneficial to your strategy?
v. Which metric is the most important for you?
vi. What has been the most successful for you in increasing the
engagement/retention rate?
vii. How is your team structured currently?
viii. While outsourcing your requirements, what were the key aspects you looked for?
ix. What changes did you make in your team/strategy to tackle the pandemic?
x. Which CRM functions do you think can continue to work in remote post-pandemic?
xi. What are your biggest CRM challenges? What is the bottleneck in your
xii. What trends do you see dominating the CRM space in the next
1-2 years?
Some of the key insights we derived from this survey are:
1. All the CRM professionals (who we surveyed) love email as the channel for their marketing messages.
Despite the mushrooming of social media channels and the growing popularity of push notifications and in-app messaging, the popularity of email is still all the same. It continues to reign supreme in the world of digital marketing and allows the companies to have an edge over their competitors when done right.

2. Engagement is the metric that matters the most.
It is generally believed that marketers would be most concerned about revenue, but our survey results revealed something else. According to our survey, 70% of CRM managers voted for engagement, making it the most important metric. 67% of the respondents revealed that contribution to revenue mattered the most to them, making it the second most important metric.

3. Lack of resources is the bottleneck in execution.
The execution of CRM is quite complex as it takes intricate processes and a number of prerequisites. Any gap in these processes can result in a delay in execution. We asked professional CRM managers about the bottleneck in their execution and got to learn that lack of resources is the most critical bottleneck in execution. On the other hand, budgeting was the bottleneck only for 3% of the managers.

We found some really exciting facts from this survey and if you want to get all the research insights at your disposal INCLUDING THE FUTURE TRENDS in the CRM space, just download our CRM EMAIL MARKETING SURVEY REPORT.
Once you have gone through the report, let’s continue the conversation in the comments below. We would love to hear from you.
If you are a CRM manager, let us know if you second the stats revealed in our survey.
Disha Bhatt (Dave)
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