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Double Opt-in Email Marketing

All About Double Opt-in – What it is, why you need it in email marketing & some really good examples

Seeking confirmation from your subscribers before adding them to your email list is a great email marketing move that can do wonders. Explore how! ...

Take a second to recall what happens when you subscribe to your favorite brand’s emails. As soon as you share your email ID and click on subscribe, you receive an email from them immediately to confirm your subscription — ever wondered why brands are adopting this method? 

Continue reading the blog till the end to gain deeper insights into all you need to know about double opt-in and why it is gaining popularity amongst email marketers. 

What is double opt-in and how does it work? 

This process is different from single opt-in email marketing. 

In simple terms, double opt-in is a process leveraged by email marketers to confirm that their subscriber/recipient has given their consent and confirmation to receive content from them through emails. It requires the subscribers to make an additional move to confirm the subscription by clicking on a link that they receive at their email addresses. Many marketers are including double opt-in email marketing to enjoy the benefits that you will come across as you continue reading. 

Before that, here’s a quick look at how double opt-in typically works

  • An individual is intrigued by your brand and signs up to receive regular updates, exclusive discounts, and general insights from you. 
  • Once the individual enters the email ID, the email marketing system sends an automated email to their address, asking them to confirm their subscription. 
  • The email that they receive comprises a confirmation link that the individual needs to click to verify that they are open to receiving content from your brand. 
  • Once the confirmation link is clicked, the person is automatically added to the brand’s email list and they will begin to receive content from the sender. 

Why Should Double Opt-in be adopted by email marketers? 

  • Helps in building a high-quality email list with genuine subscribers 

By incorporating double opt-in and requiring confirmation from the subscriber, you make sure that the email list comprises people who are genuinely looking forward to the brand’s content. 

This would further result in more engagement with your emails and generate positive responses and outcomes like higher open and click-through rates. 

  • Drastically improves email deliverability 

The double opt-in method assists you in improving email deliverability rates by making sure that the email addresses present on the list are valid and that the subscribers are open to receiving communication. 

This helps in reducing the chances of the email being marked as unneeded or spam, which can tarnish the reputation of your brand and leave a negative impact. 

  • Acts as a shield against fake or fraudulent email messages 

Since double opt-in requires the subscriber to confirm their email address, it results in reducing the risk of fake email addresses being included in the email list. 

  • In compliance with legal regulations 

Various countries have set specific laws about email marketing. Double opt-in is one of the key requirements under these rules and regulations to ensure that the individual has given their consent to receive marketing communication via email. There are various email marketing automation services that you can leverage for including this strategy. 

Overall, by adopting double opt-in, you can build stronger relationships with your subscribers and gradually uplift the efficiency of your email marketing campaigns. 

So, now that we know why a double-opt is so vital, let’s dive into the best practices you should follow when using it as a part of your email marketing strategy.

Best practices to keep in mind while including double opt-in 

  • Communicate the process clearly 

Ensure that you explain the double opt-in process clearly and concisely to your subscribers so that they are aware of what to expect. The key here is to include simple and easy-to-understand terms for avoiding any confusion. 

  • Give a personal touch to the email 

Personalize the email as much as possible to add a personal touch from your end. For example, you can use the receiver’s name in the mail to make them feel important. As a result, it will increase the chances of your users confirming their subscriptions. 

  • Use a sender name and an easily recognizable email address

Make sure that the user is well aware of where the email is coming from. You can assure that by leveraging an easily recognizable email address. 

  • Include a clear call to action 

Ensure that the email comprises a clear call to action for the user to confirm their subscription. You can do this by including a conspicuous button that can be located easily by the individual and is easy to click on. You can even leverage an email campaign management service to help you include a CTA button seamlessly. 

  • Give a glimpse of the emails that the user is likely to receive 

Probably one of the best practices you can follow is to inform your users about the kind of content they can expect if they subscribe. This will reduce their chances of unsubscribing later. 

  • Follow-up (if required) 

If the individual does not confirm their subscription, you can follow up with a reminder mail and encourage them to confirm their subscription. However, ensure you do not send too many follow-up emails as they may get spammy and irritating to the receivers. 

Now that you’re all set to create a double opt-in for your brand, let’s take a peek at some double opt-in email examples to help you hit the bull’s eye. 

Double opt-in email examples to take inspiration

1. Minimalism Works – Acustom Apparel

While maximum email marketers concentrate on sending fancy emails to catch the subscriber’s attention, sometimes, simplicity works and convinces subscribers to take an action and sign up. 

Take a look at this example from Acustom Apparel. They have sent a simple and easy-to-understand confirmation email to their subscribers, to guide them about the next step. 

2. Spotlight on the CTA button – The New Yorker 

As mentioned in the best practices section, the CTA button should be prominent and centrally located so that it is not missed by the receiver. 

Here’s an example of how the New Yorker incorporated the same strategy. The brand has ensured that the confirmation link stands out and motivates the subscribers to take an action.  

3. Exclusive incentives upon confirmation – Puma 

If you are an eCommerce brand, then one of the best strategies that you can adopt is to utilize the best out of many opt-in email marketing services. You can use it to increase your subscriber base by offering lucrative offers and exclusive deals to entice them to sign up. 

Take Puma for example. Here is how the famous sportswear brand offered additional discounts to their subscribers. 

4. Highlighting benefits of subscribing – Rothy’s

Many times, an individual needs clarification while signing up the second time to confirm their subscription. In such cases, you must give them a few reasons as to how this subscription can benefit them. 

Hence, you need to add those points in your email just like the brand Rothy’s. Have a look. 

5. Showing gratitude to your subscribers – Penguin Classics

Showcasing gratitude to your subscribers is a great way to make them feel valued and important and Penguin Classics does it effectively. True to its image, the brand added a creative touch to the emails by using famous quotes in the email. 

Have a look at the brand’s creative email below. 

6. Showcasing your features – Banana Republic 

If your subscription email is the first communication received by your subscribers, then it is crucial to highlight the main features of your brand. 

Below is an example of how Republic created its email and listed its main benefits. 

Wrapping It Up! 

If you are a brand and are looking for ways to redefine your email marketing strategy, then double opt-in is surely a great way to incorporate and start with. It seamlessly helps you to create a more targeted following. Also, it assists in boosting the engagement rates of your emails. Moreover, in comparison to single opt-in emails, this method has proven to be highly effective for aggregating the email addresses of individuals who are genuinely interested in receiving emails. 

I hope this insightful post has given you proper insights into how a double opt-in is crucial and useful for your brand’s success. It is now time for you to make the most of this strategy to maximize your email marketing results. 

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Tuhina works in the content marketing team at Email Uplers. Apart from creating awesome content, she loves cooking for her family and spending time with her German Shephard. She is a foodie and a fitness freak at the same time.



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